daz3d horribly slow

I am desperatly looking for help, and, since daz tech support proved to be absolutely useless after more than one month of tickets, I thought i should post here.
My DAZ3D is horribly slow. To get an idea, I am attaching the logfile from loading a simple scene with 5 G8 characters. No environment, no fancy scripting, few textures.
Took almost 10 MINUTES to load ( no IRAY preview in viewport, so that wasn't slowing it down ). If i add enviroment, it can easily go towards 20 minutes. I need to edit dozens of scenes a day, and, this way, I can hardly use this program anymore.
I don't have any extra folders, extra assets from anywhere else but DAZ3D and they are all paid for and installed via DAZCentral.
The computer has a dual xeon configuration, 64GB DDR4 memory, 2 x RTX 3080 cards.
Can someone please help ?
Thank you

Have you tried creating a new runtime? Install only the things you want to work with. See if that runs faster. You can create the new runtime and just add it to your paths in your directory manager (don't have studio open at the moment).
Not OP, but how do you create a new runtime? I would have no idea how to do that.
This may help you.
I already have the content organized in folders, and I have tried to remove some of them with only limited effect. I cannot afford to do this reconfiguration for every scene I need to work on. I should not have to hack this program every time I need to add a new item in the scene.
One of the reason I bought content from DAZ and only from DAZ is that I expect to work with it. All of it. I do a lot of search in the library, search that does not work in dazcentral, and it would not work if I dont have all the folders added and indexed.
The problem is on their site : if you look at the logfile, you will see how many errors and conflicts are in there, and trying to solve those account for 7+ minutes out of the 10 minutes load time. I have spent countless emails with their support without them even acknowledging these. I dont know why they cannot fix them. I am beginning to have serious doubts about their programmer's capabilities. For example, I can tell you, as a former programmer, that it is unconcievable to have to wait MINUTES after you close a program until it finishes releasing all the memory and you can start it again - unless you kill it from the task manager. This only happened to me when i was using debug versions - but those would have no place in a release, right ?
and did the programmes that you worked on have the complex data-remations (all those ERC links) that DS does? If you want your criticisms to be taken seriously you do need to avoid hyperbole.
Thank you Cris!
C deck {which contains the actual Program Files, etc.} needs to have a fair amount of free gigs. On my laptop, at least 28g. But I don't try loading 5 figures. Just one or two normally.
Disconnect from the 'Net. Esp. during any period of time the downloading of updates is likely to be happening.
Manually clear the cache every now and then, simply delete anything found in this particular data folder:
C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\DAZ 3D\dson\cache\data
If/when the computer has been "doing" much for any length of time, reboot it. It's the one sure way to make sure all programs are closed.
Unless a figure is really up close to the camera, negate the high subdivision calls, 1 or 2 is plenty. Trying to render with 5 over here will cause a crash every single time.
Hair ... is the "last" item to load in a scene. Hairs these days can be extremely heavy. Again, check their settings and if off in the background, simplify them.
Make use of helpful products such as this one:
Notice the sizes of textures ... zap normals if/when not needed. Nobody sees pores at 20 paces.
IF you're very certain your computer is "clean" ... turn off any active - must check every file touched - AV type programs. {just make sure to remember to turn them back on before connecting to the web}
Make use of "instances" ... load ONE figure, prepare it as you please, then make instances of it. THEN use this nifty product: https://www.daz3d.com/instances-to-objects
And all those lovely figure objects can be posed :-)
Thank you. I already discovered all these long time ago and using it, as a note, hair works also, you just need to set view tesselation to zero and it is faster. But most of what you mentioned are hints to work faster or render faster - that means, AFTER the scene was loaded. My problem is with the time needed to load the scene, and that is because of the conflicts between the files bought from DAZ store. A problem their team of programmers is uncapable or unwilling to fix.
Once you have a scene set up that is lighter in weight, that can be saved as a scene subset which would [hopefully] load faster for you next time 'round.
Conflicts between or because of products -- fixes need to be made by the PAs {if they know about them} and/or us {which no, shouldn't be required but...} I've been known to spend a few hours weeding out the trash in the files so they would load without error messages -- and totally threw out a lovely large set of "free morphs" just because of the number of error messages it threw. For some of the errors it's a matter of checking what it's calling for, does it exist, and correcting the paths. For some of the errors, it's a matter of either ignoring the error messages or purchasing the missing product.
Have the same problem.
One workaround: The start up scene (in preferences) make sure is set to something like wireframe.Also read list of plugins that load. When opened and figure loaded, set draw to something like "texture shaded" until last possible moment.. Setting the draw to nvdia is like pouring sand into a gas tank.For awhile you think the mouse has internal problems (very irratic)
Also, as been pointed out to me, I have 29 separate runtimes containing tbs's. of data
Included in this are many morph sets for each individual character. When you load a character the many many morphs come with it
Loading a character from scratch takes 10 or more minutes.
If you combine, nvdia draw,dozens of morphs, unnecessary plug ins, huge texture, large resolution characters, additional programs running in background....
From what I have been able to gather over months, and i do not say this sarcasticly, we have to learn to live with it.
You won't like this but, as soon as you turn on your computer, open daz, load figure (wireframe draw) go get the mail, make coffee,look out the window, feed the dog
Good luck!!!