Glitching hair

Today I have bought the best looking hair I have so far and I am happy with the quality, but for some reason the hair keeps glitch and shows ugly black lines on the forehead and neck. I fix it by adjusting the size of the hair parts and that works, but as soon I start morphing the face all the glitches are back again. Same thing happens when I apply HD details to the head.


Does anyone else have experience with this hair and also encounter those glitches? If so, how do you fix it? I now constantly have to adjust the hair size and I want to avoid that.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    The problem comes from the fact that the hair cap is intersecting with the forehead of the character you used. Make it a bit bigger using morphs or scaling and it will go away.

  • DireWorksDireWorks Posts: 133
    edited February 2022

    Yes, i do, not really sure about the reason, for sure the hair cap is really tight to the head.

    You can use the moprhs under actor in parameter tab.

    I use also to apply a smooth modifier, but it will slightly make the hairs more thin, if you dont like it you can delete it or reload the hairs


    try also to check if the opacity map gamma is set to 0 or 1, just play with the parameter in there, cant remember if i have tried or not

    Post edited by DireWorks on
  • ramon73ramon73 Posts: 96
    edited February 2022

    Okay thanks, I tried again with all the sliders and hopefully I found the right one this time. It still looks good after applying HD details, hope it sticks this time :)


    Edit: Found the culprit slider. It's not the base of the hair thats the issue but the bangs which is a seperate hair object and has a different set of sliders.

    Post edited by ramon73 on
  • Some hair, for whatever reason, doesn't have an adjustable hair cap. Granted, few of those create this problem, but some do. In those cases, I generally let the hair cap blotch render, and then zap it out in post.

  • Seven193Seven193 Posts: 1,111
    edited February 2022

    For OOT hair, my goto morph for forehead fixes is:
    Actor -> Adjusting -> Adjust-HeadSize

    There are others too:
    Actor -> Adjusting -> Adjust-ForeheadDepth

    If you make the adjustment while in Iray render preview mode, you can see the forehead intersection clear itself up when the correct amount is reached.

    Post edited by Seven193 on
  • PlatnumkPlatnumk Posts: 672

    Set the Instancing Optimization to Speed in render settings,  That normally fixes the problem.

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