Daz is not saving right/not opening recent files

I've had an issue for the past few months, where I would save my scene in Daz for the first time, put in the name and all, and either continue working or exit the program. Then, when I would open up Daz again or save my current progress, instead of me just hitting save and the scene saving automatically like it has done plenty of times beforehand, now I'm asked to input the name of the scene again, even though Daz already has the original scene saved, and I'm able to save over it. On top of that, when I open the files I've saved sometimes, I'll just get an error message telling me to look in the log, which might as well be a middle finger since there's nothing of value there that can tell me what went wrong, and I'm just SOL. I was able to fix this once by simply logging out of Daz Studio and logging back in, and that worked for a little bit until I started having the same issues again, and that trick doesn't seem to work anymore. Any idea on what's happening or how I can fix these issues for good?
If the author name (Edit>preferencs, Daz Studio>Preferences for a Mac) is missing or does not match the one in the scene then Save works as Save As, to guard against accidentally overwriting assets.
Scenes are saved compressed and soemtime disc errors can corrupt the file, causing errors on load (the lof may complain about parsing, or not finding the expected character). It's possible that some kind of archive repair tool might help. It is frustrating, and i think it's shame there isn't an option to save scenes without compression.