Optitex dynamic clothes are invisible

I'm strictly at the blundering noob level when it comes to DAZ Studio, so please bear with me. I've probably overlooked something obvious.

I remember loading Optitex (old-style dynamic) clothes quite recently without problems, but now they don't appear to work at all. The scene tab says the item is invisible, but toggling visibility doesn't make them appear; and if I try to export the item as OBJ the file is empty, so I suspect the clothing doesn't actually exist in the scene.

I thought an update might have broken things, but I tried in a copy of DS3 on an old PC and saw the same problem - so my working theory is that the problem exists between chair and keyboard. :)

Any pointers?


  • Do you have the Dynamic Clothing Control plug-in? If so, have you reinmstalled it since the last update/install for Daz Studio?

  • Thanks! I only have the basic dynamic cloth plugin - but when I went back to check it was enabled (it was), the clothing was loading and visible again, so I don't know what to tell you at this stage. Other than PEBCAK, of course. If it turns out that it only works on even-numbered days I'll get back to you. :)

  • OK, glad it's playing nice (for) now.

  • brainmuffinbrainmuffin Posts: 1,213

    Man, I haven't tried any Optitex stuff in a long time and I even bought the Control plug-in back in the day. Maybe I should try some again.

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