Daz to blender bridge not showing up in Daz

I have just installed the Daz to blender bridge and there is no longer a scripts option on the menu bar.

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I have just installed the Daz to blender bridge and there is no longer a scripts option on the menu bar.
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Sometimes going to window>workspace>"update and merge menus" will bring back missing script stuff.
Make sure you following the tutorial at github:
Also, you need the updated one for blender 3.0:
More information check here:
I have this issue and it is driving me crazy. The script menu does not appear. I have used Download manager, Daz central and also tried the Github manual install. None of these work. No script menu. The anoying thing is that I had it working fine but needed to re-install windows. so I know that it should work for me. It has installed fine on Blender. When I start Daz Studio for a split second the menu bar flashes with the script menu there then it disappears. Any help would be most appreciated.
I also have this issue. However, the scripts button never appeared for me at all. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling the plugin, and uninstalling/reinstalling Daz Studio, but with no effect. I tried checking the daz to blender github page to manually install the plugin but that didn't help either. One thing I've noticed is that the install location for my daz studio (and thus the location of my plugins) is different than the default installation for daz studio listed on the github page. My installation is located in: "C:\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4", while the github indicates that the default path is: "C:\Program Files\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4." Could this have anything to do with it?
Same here, except I'm on macOS 10.15.
I *was* able to install and use the Blender bridge (once) by manually running the Daz to Blender_Install.dsa script immediately after a DIM re-install of the package, but that fix isn't persistent; today the 'Scripts' menu option has again disappeared from DS.
Window->Workspace->Update and Merge Menus is ineffective.
Guys, we really shouldn't have to grease it this hard.
The issue with saving layouts is cross-platform. The method given here My workspace resets every time I reopen Daz. - Daz 3D Forums should work on Macs, replacing the Appdata folder with Application Support in your library folder.
Per your link, I 'touch'ed those files, re-installed the Blender bridge and verified the newly-created actions.dsx and friends had content.
But, still no Scripts menu option until I switched the default Window->Workspace->Select Layout to 'Full Service [Beta]' and back to 'City Limits'.
It seems happy now. Thank you for all your prolific posts and hard work!
I was literally about to give up NOTHING seemed to work and that "scripts" menu NEVER showed up... deeply frustrated I tried sth extremly weird BUT IT WORKED!!!
So here is what you do, you install the bridge, then from that github link inside the downloaded folder you find "Use this to Install Daz Side" Folder the file in there is supposed to be placed inside your app-data folder so it loads once you open Daz studio (which never worked for me)
Now all you have to do WHILE HAVING DAZ STUDIO OPEN... simply drag/drop that file right into the viewport and boooom there you go the scripts menue (including the bridge to blender) will magically appear!
Yes, this helps! I had to drag the "Daz to Blender.dsa" file into the viewport, then DAZ started the exporting process.
I'm on a Mac btw and no method mentioned in this thread worked other than therealcyberpunk88's way.
So now I have to store these dsa files and do the same every time. I really hope someone can have a peek into this bc this is super annoying.
Peace out!
This worked for me too. Thank you.
To add a bit more detail for mac owners, the app-data folder is Library/Application Support/Daz 3D/
Ive re-opened Daz once and found the script menu with blender in it but Im not confident itll always be there so I expect to drag that file in again ocassionally.
The Blender side has a few quirks also.
This video helped a lot ->
It has happened to me too. I tried the GitHub, that didn't work. I tried Uninstalling Daz to Blender Bridge and Re-installing it, that didn't work either.
Any solutions?
Daz To Blender has been updated and is now accessed from the File->Send To menu.
You can find more information, instructions and tutorials to install and use the new bridge in the following places:
I have spent days trying to figure this out. You are amazing!!!
I had this happen to me twice since Daz Studio released 4.20. I was able to resolve it by totally uninstalling both via Daz Centeral. I then installed a earlier release such as 4.15. Then I used Daz Centeral to first, re-install Daz to Blender bridge, then I was prompted to install Daz 4.20. But at that point, 4.15 displayed the script menue at launch.
You can now access DazToBlender from the File -> Send To -> DazToBlender, similar to Unity and Unreal Bridges.
Yes!! This worked!!! Thanks a lot
I want to help because i had the same issue
NOT SHOWING in :script -> ok it is ot any more here but ...
so for those in my case :
when i installed the bridge via the DAZ central or EVEN MANGER it doesn't show up
because it has installed the dll file (dzblenderbridge.dll) in another folder than the daz studio file which is in C:\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4
SO here is what i have done : i copy paste the dll file INTO the path above C:\Daz 3D\Applications\64-bit\DAZ 3D\DAZStudio4>>>>> PLUGINS
FIRST STEP RESOLVED : the send to blender appear in daz studio > fILE > send to
i don't know if the entire process will worked but ... if my answer can help resolving at least this first step .... then i am happy .....
ok now you have to open BLENDR to see which verison you have. For me it is blender 3.1.2
OPEN DAZ and choose a figure
FILE > SEND TO > daz to blender
In the box appeard you have to select your blender version (3.1 for me) and CLIC on INSTALL PLOUGIN
THEN go back to blender and follow thie stutoral
he will explain you where is the plugin and what to do if it doesn't appear yet (EDIT > preferences > add on > search DAZ > enable the plugin)
didn't tested the full process yet. I am going little step by little step....
Your resolution worked. Thank you. Also, if you are using the new Blender 3.6, when you download the bridge it only includes 3.2. and 3.5 scripts even though on the DAZ web page it says it supports 3.6. What I had to do was go to the Blender AppData, C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender and copy the directory 3.5 to a new directory 3.6. Then Daz will display the 3.6 option, and Blender 3.6 will find the import scripts.
Thanks, this worked for me.