Depth Maps behaviour change in 4.20? images attached
I upgraded to DS 4.20 and have noticed that depth maps behave differently now.
In 4.16 I would hit render and after a brief delay it was done now it just keeps going and going and going until i stop it.
The depth maps appear the same as ever have i missed a memo?
Post edited by Pitmatic on
Do you mean for canvases?
I'll have to take a look at this.
A lot of the canvases had a bug that they would only render out the first sample, but if they're now rendering out multiple samples, that could be a big improvement.
Yes in Canveses.
It could be a big improvement as i noticed that depth maps can be noisey (around hair comes to mind) so this could be a good thing need to try it out more.
Ok comparing a depth map from 4.16 and a new one from 4.20 there is a difference old depth maps were smooth and had no antialiasing so i would render them at max size and scale them down the resize providing the anti aliasing but the new depth maps are gritty
The example attached has a model using the same hair but there is a difference in the depth map edges and resized it gets ugly click for larger res image
It would be more helpful if you compared the exact same scene in each version.
Not required to do so the edges of the shapes are all noisey that never happened before and the render would finsh quickly now the render runs and runs and is still noisey on edges however i think I spoted new behavior in 4.20
I always render my scenes without the dome so that i can add the sky or background in post but now if i do that the edges of any ojects seem to have noise on them in the depth mask.
The reason seems to be anything that is infront of the transparent hole so to speak gets nosiey and acts odd in this cae the horses tail overlaps a building where it does its fine
so the legs of the horse in front of geometry are smooth where they cross the empty background jaggy city I assume if i put a huge plane behind the scene it will fix it which i will try now I Use depth maps a lot in my post processing so this is new behaviour to me.
Right so if i create a huge plane and cover the background of my scene and render the depth map 60 interations it behaves as 4.16 did
so in 4.16 you didnt need a background to get a smooth depthmap and in 4.20 you do! obviously hair is noisey but it was before. the difference in shade is just down to the conversion from 32 to 16 bits in this case equilise histogram and not local adaption