Please Advise. 4.2 is Not Using GPUs for Rendering

I have updated my drivers 511.79. The GPUs are enabled. Hit render, no GPU IRAY debug codes appear. Renders super slow. Did a comparison from 4.20 to an old 4.12 version I have installed. 4.12 fired up just fine and rendered way faster tha 4.20.
I have 3 GPUs.
GeForce 2080 Super
and 2x GeForce 980
Please help.
I have read this is not a good time to update drivers since nvidia got issues with hackers and the drivers may be corrupted. Can't tell if this is your case.
try disabling the 980's and see if that works.
as Padone posted, don't install anything from Nvidia until they say it's okay themselves.
Unfortunately, disabling the 980s. Full restart, etc did not work at all.
This is very frustrating.
Are you seeing anything in the log that would help?
what debug code are you getting?
Alright, I loaded a simple scene. 1 character with textures. No clothing. Here's the error I get from the error log.
2022-02-27 13:44:50.762 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(367): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.22 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER): Not enough memory for kernel launches (0.000 B (295.312 MiB) required, 0.000 B available). Cannot allocate framebuffer.
2022-02-27 13:44:50.763 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(367): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.22 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER): Failed to setup device frame buffer
2022-02-27 13:44:50.763 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(367): Iray [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.22 IRAY rend error: CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER): Device failed while rendering
2022-02-27 13:44:50.763 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\pluginsource\DzIrayRender\dzneuraymgr.cpp(367): Iray [WARNING] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.22 IRAY rend warn : CUDA device 0 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER) ran out of memory and is temporarily unavailable for rendering.
If I enable the two 980's I get the same warning but for CUDA device 1 & 2.
There's absolutely plent of memory available and the display output device isn't the 2080 Super. Memory isn't an issue but it thinks it is.
Something with daz 4.2 is the issue. 4.12 runs all three cards for rendering no problem.
I've submitted a ticket for a link to 4.16 until this is resolved. We'll see how that goes.
hhhmm,,that's odd.
I've got an RTX 3060 12GB and 128GB system ram.
I'm running GPU driver 511.65.The current Studio Driver and Studio 4.20. I'm running fine.
I've not tried with the Game Ready driver, and at this point I'm not installing any new Nvidia drivers to test because of the cyberattack.
Your card should easily handle a single default character with nothing else in the scene.
Not really sure what's going there.
Have you tried with CPU fallback enabled and the use CPU box checked?
May need to clear your log so it's easier to read between configuration changes.
FWIW I'm running 471.68 on Windows 7 pro and my 1080 TI and 980 TI are working correctly with Studio 4.20.
You might try downloading GPU-Z and check the 'memory used' entry; if you're using the Iray viewport setting and have significant memory tied up, try disabling that and see if the memory releases. If not (or you're not using the Iray view) try shutting down and restarting Studio.
IceCrMn Yes that is enabled. I may have resolved the issue to some degree. I was able to make a test run on a new hard drive with 4.2 and the GPUs fired up. If I imported anything from the old install, it stopped working. I was able to get it to work if I had almost no content installed. I have about a Terabyte of content so I'm downloading it now. Can't transfer it in because it causes the same fault. Something got corrupted and I have no idea what so now I have to redownload all my CMS content which was 632 GB + 239GB of "other" content from Renderosity. Daz Central doesn't have a install all button so this is horrible.
After my current project I will be looking to possibly change to blender. This is unacceptable.
I have the same issue. Running a 980Ti, even a simple scene (Gen 3 with hair, no background or objects) only renders on CPU, 4.16 was fine.
I'm running old drivers for my 980, so maybe 4.20 has introduced a minimum driver, or needs an updated feature?
Yes, almost certainly you need a driver update.
Updated drivers worked for me. Let's hope they fixed the security flaw!
Yeah, I'm having the same problem too on both my machines, one with Geforce 1050, the other with Geforce 1070. Rendered the same scene on the same machine (the 1070) with versions 4.16 and 4.20. 4.16 took 2.5 hours, 4.20 took over 8 hours.
GPU usage dropped from 18% to 0% when I did a spot render (as measured by task manager). This was after upgrading to latest NVIDIA driver version 511.79 on the 1050..
The GeForce 1050 has only 2GB of memory according to nVidia, I am surpised it was doing anything useful with Daz Studio 4.16.x.x
Alright, I have resolved it and it works fine now. Unfortunately this is what seems to happen. The drivers for DAZ studio IRAY are not installing correctly. I had to wipe daz from my computer, reinstall daz studio from scratch to a fresh install on a different harddrive. After that it seems to be working fine but it took several days because... 632GB of assets being redownloaded is a pain. Had to switch back to Install manager (not Content Manager) to get my assets downloaded again but finally after 3 freaking days of work, it's fixed.
Back up your old version before even considering doing a content manager upgrade. This was a nightmare but I hope my pain helps anyone out there who is also having this issue. Remember to not have DAZ studio running when upgrading also. It can cause what happened to me.
I just installed 4.20 and my GeForcve GTX Titan Black shows up in Daz Advanced panel but will not render - log says [ERROR] - IRAY:RENDER :: 1.0 IRAY rend error: Cannot render: found no usable devices. Please update your NVIDIA driver ( to at least 471.41, or enable CPU-only rendering.
I am using driver 472.98. WOuld appreciate some guidance - thanks
I think Kepler is now just out of the range of supported chipsets for Iray.