Cannot find two products in The Kids 4 product bundle
I kept track of where in the DAZ Content Manager to find the products in the Kids 4 bundle, but I cannot find two products: The Kids 4 Shapes++ AND Kids 4 Toddler.
Categories: Default: Figures: People: Female: Real World: Insalled: The Kids 4 Base
Categories: Default: Figures: People: Male: Real World: Insalled: The Kids 4 Base
The Kids 4 Shapes++
Products J : Installed: Josi for Kids 4
Products J : Installed: Jade for The Kids 4
Products S : Installed: Sally Mae Hair
Kids 4 Toddler
Products W : Installed: We Are Kids
Products D : Installed: Duke Hair
Products S : Installed: Skateboarder for The Kids 4
Products K : Installed: Kids 4 Basicwear
Products S : Installed: Sweetheart for Kids 4
Products M : Installed: My Dolls
Products K : Installed: Kids Toys
They are almost certainly shapes (as opposed to discrete figures) so load a gen 4 figure, go to parameters, adjust the toddler or whatever settings you want. The key word is that toddler is described as a morph and the shapes++ is an injected morph.
Here's where they install to (pic attached). The Toddler installs to the same Morph Injections folder. Note the Shapes ++ zip file is actually called TheKids4Morphs and shows up when installed as Morphs++.
The Kids 4 Morphs also gives you a Chibi figure in the Characters folder.
They should be in Products, under K, along with The Kids 4 Base, Kids 4 Basicwear, Kids Toys... If you do find it, hover over the icons to see the tooltip with the full path to the assets.
The ReadMe for Kids 4 Toddler was never updated from the old wiki, but it does link to the old documentation. zz* - Kids 4 Toddler [Documentation Center] -> Kids 4 Toddler [Documentation Center] (old wiki). It has the info about where the assets are located.