Charger vs Millenium horse

Millenium horse looks so good but there is no hair at all on the body, Charger which is an early horse, sku 306, has hair texture and looks acceptable-is there somehting I am missing on how to apply a hair texture to the Millenium horse?
The hair at the feet look good for both horses, that may mean there is hair that be applied to Millenium horse
Millenium horse description also says it comes with a beautiful black texture map but I don't see that in the content library

1950 x 1592 - 2M
According to the readme the material poses for the Millenium Horse are in "MAT Mil Horse" subfolder in the Pose library of your Poser content directory.
they all had texture addons but AFAIK all have been discontinued, the main artist responsible left DAZ3D
The black Horse hair is there under pose tab, And now I have a place to look for matertials I didn't know about thank you!
For models in Poser format you'll find pose presets, morph presets or material presets somewhere in the "Pose" library.
That's because historically material and morph presets were developed as a hack of pose presets.
Wendy, since the artist left does that mean that daz no longer even has the Mil. horse texture set?
I really like the horse, Much nicer than Charger and since Im using M4 it has a certain vintage character to the scenes, when I would combine a g8 cowboy with the M4's it looks too new compared to them, I am afraid if I would use daz horse 2 it would also not fit in as good with the M4's as Mil. horse does, I could be worng, would have to buy the horsse and saddle to find out if it ever goes on sale big time like they do like once or twice a year, when all the bundles are so cheap, I hope that time is coming around again, its been a while, good sale like that makes my day
but sure wish there is a way to get a hold of those textures, I am happy with Mil. horse, got so many things and scenes to work on if I ever had the time, dont need an upgraded horse
thanks a lot for that link
Daz will still have the product files, if it was a Daz buyout they may well have at least some of the source files (especially if it was done in-house).
ok then I should write to sales support,thanks Richard