Bones don't work in legacy conforming clothing

I wanted to use some older conforming clothing I bought years ago for V4/M4/H4/A4.  I'm finding that the bones in conforming dresses no longer work. I can't move them using the translate tool. I can move them with parameter dials, but they don't morph the dress. I've tried this on three outfits. Does Daz Studio no longer support bone morphs on conforming clothes? Do I need to update them somehow, or transform them into dForce clothing? I hate to abandon all my older content.  Thanks


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,864

    I asume this is after AutoFitting to one of the Genesis figures? that clears any existing rigging and projects the rigging from the Genesis figure into the outfit instead, so yes any adjustments that depend on bones will be lost. You could redo the bones, but in some ways weight mapping is less useful for things like skirt handles thanPoser-style rigging was (or at least, the end results have generally been disappointing for my taste).

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