OT - 'cause some of us need a little break



  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited September 2022

    Here's a neat "pussy cat" -- just don't pet them! Wild and they like hunting snakes :-)



    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited October 2022

    Gee, no comments for a barking cat?!! Okay ... that's how they call for a mate btw. Just in case one is ever in their desert and needed to know that. Would make for a lively fireside chat.

    As a few know, my old laptop died. Takes a bit of time to set up a new computer. I now have a 3060 laptop :-) 32 RAM and 1TB for the programs, etc. In a laptop the VRAM is only 6. However, very happy to know that it can render images that the previous setup could not. I no longer "have to" dial down the HD characters and the bulldog will also render nice and fuzzy.

    So with an up-to-date D/S installed, also happy to see that now the author of Morphs is indicated in the Parameter Settings.

    For larger size fonts, chose the Main Street Layout in Styles :-)

    Loaded back in 'all' my G8F morphs and on first launch, it only took 2-3 minutes so yes!


    On my new 3060 laptop - about 3 min to render.png
    707 x 1000 - 884K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Drogo NazhurDrogo Nazhur Posts: 1,163

    Me as a microhero . . .

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited October 2022

    Drogo Nazhur said:

    Me as a microhero . . .


    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,830

    Did ya all miss me? Not likely I suppose with all the sales. Well it finally happened. My Laptop was FRIED.

    So now, I have a new Laptop :-)  {the dream machine has to wait a little longer, sigh}

    However, this one is RTX 3060 and just so all those fancy updates have oodles of space, 1TB RAM.

    Here is my first test render in like "wow" speed :-)

    How could you possibly have a terabyte of RAM in a laptop? You must mean disk space or SSD.
  • Probably, not exactly understanding what all the terms refer to, try as I have over the years.

    It's got 32GB DDR4, nVidia GeForce RTX 3060/6GB  {I gather this means 6GBVRAM} and yes a 1TB SSD. {I thought that was called RAM too but by your comment now, I guess not}

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,830

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Probably, not exactly understanding what all the terms refer to, try as I have over the years.

    It's got 32GB DDR4, nVidia GeForce RTX 3060/6GB  {I gather this means 6GBVRAM} and yes a 1TB SSD. {I thought that was called RAM too but by your comment now, I guess not}

    An SSD is NVRAM (non volatile RAM). That means it doesn't lose its memory when you turn off the power. It is like a hard disk in that regard. Your 32 GB DDR4 is your RAM. It only remembers what you loaded in it while power remains on. That's one reason why restarting your computer (cycling power essentially) sometimes clears problems.

  • barbult said:

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Probably, not exactly understanding what all the terms refer to, try as I have over the years.

    It's got 32GB DDR4, nVidia GeForce RTX 3060/6GB  {I gather this means 6GBVRAM} and yes a 1TB SSD. {I thought that was called RAM too but by your comment now, I guess not}

    An SSD is NVRAM (non volatile RAM). That means it doesn't lose its memory when you turn off the power. It is like a hard disk in that regard. Your 32 GB DDR4 is your RAM. It only remembers what you loaded in it while power remains on. That's one reason why restarting your computer (cycling power essentially) sometimes clears problems.

    Okay, thank you :-)

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited October 2022

    Here are a couple of my first test renders -- also using the latest D/S and no, I'm not familiar with the best way to adjust the lights - these have too many colourful pixels lol ... anyhow. Very happy that both V9 and her hair on G9F rendered without crashing the system. The auto-fit for one of G8's tops to G9 went well too :-)

    me too.png
    1000 x 1000 - 2M
    Can wear G8 clothes.png
    1000 x 1000 - 1019K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Roman_K2Roman_K2 Posts: 1,252

    Catherine3678ab said:

    Here are a couple of my first test renders...

    The one with the close-up of the eye is very helpful.  Huge difference!  Quite remarkable IMO.

  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited October 2022

    Reading rumours about the MakeUp kit thought I would make my own little test run here. n.b. my laptop's VRAM is only 6GB so while renders may start off swiftly IF they are going to take some time, they become painfully slow past the 80 mark.  Normally I would cut the render there but for this I did not.

    The vanilla V9 renders FAST. About a minute.

    Put some make-up on her and it takes about 10 minutes AND [whoever sets these things to post when some key on the left side of the board is hit, cut it out, ty]

    AND the motor fans really rev. I don't like that. So I dug through the folders, it appears that possibly L.I.E. was used? to make this make-up set but whoever didn't take the time to put the textures out for easier placement IMHO. [although Makeup on L.I.E. means it can be used on other characters too] So anyhow I spent some time doing that and then made my own loading and unloading 'all' presets. If one does move the textures from the temp folder and places them in a texture folder, applying those then to the figure, the render time is shaved a little but the motor fans don't rev up which is great.

    Also, for those who wanted fewer freckles on her face ... apply "all" then remove "all" and one will have V9 with a solid foundation [not so many freckles].

    For those who may wish to truly remove all the make-up returning to the default face materials, load V9 and immediately save out a material preset to load only the Head materials. I now have a default load head mat, a load all makeup mat and a remove all makeup mat [each of those using the textures placed by me into a proper texture folder].

    n.b. The remove all make-up preset may or not turn off the makeup dial. If it is off then the foundation won't appear. To make my preset for it to be removed I only swapped out the existing textures from the temp folder to those in a texture folder [very same images], so check that make-up dial if you want it on or off ;-)

    With All Makeup applied.png
    1000 x 1000 - 778K
    My Preset remove all - hmm well she has no freckles now.png
    1000 x 1000 - 724K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • If one loads a Genesis # figure, ditch the skins, export out the .obj [no groups], [I was using base resolution], bring the .obj back in and turn it into a clothing piece, NO smoothing, NO parenting, use "actor" for the bones. When done save that clothing item to its own folder [make sure you have the right item selected!]. Close program [to clear everything], open program, load the clothing figures. FAST loading. Add skins, clothing, pose figure ... there you go, poseable background figures. The base clothing figures I tried [no textures] were loading in under a second. Then I posed them, added a couple of clothing pieces, added an image to the background and rendered: Fast loading, fast render :-)

    One figure is 8M, the other 9.


  • Hay! Apparently there are a number of "fake" buildings in cities around the world ... possible new ideas for new models?



  • Time for some cuteness :-) 



  • Now this one don't take too seriously.



  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited November 2022

    3D doodling ... thought I'd take some time to re-arrange some uvmaps between G8 and G9. Everybody seems to want 'everything' immediately if not sooner. It took nearly a year for the first major skin conversion utility to be released so possibly some patience is a good idea ;-)

    It has been noted that uvmapping in Hexagon is an exercise in patience.

    Now for eg. whichever way one might want to move textures, either or both, G8 and G9 would require new UV sets of the other figure. Done manually it might be a race whether one finishes the project before somebody releases a converter of some type. I did notice that somebody has released conforming geoshells to bring G8's textures to G9.

    The UVs between G8F [for eg] and G9 are quite different. Decisions would need to be made which, well, I'd be happily surprized if one could code the computations required - the mesh is different. Realizing that textures had to be painted over the lines to prevent seams from showing, one sometimes has to move the lines either over the line, or in-over the line to be sure that the target mesh for receiving the other's texture images, will be covered.

    Making G8F to have more fingernail area is an easy enough project -- enables greater detailing of fancy nails.


    038 G9's nails on G8F.png
    1477 x 914 - 693K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • A researched collection of historical tales, some most interesting. Possibility "might" be that Mammoths still roamed the Earth not all that long ago, i.e. in the 1800s. And of 'people' tall as trees!



  • How to get a ring off your finger!


  • Catherine3678ab said:

    How to get a ring off your finger!

    I will be sure to share this with all the ringwraiths I know.

  • It didn't help after my wife gripped my hand when we had our youngest brat. She squeezed my hand so hard my mid and pinky fingers bent the wedding ring so it was narrower than the knuckle. The force she exerted was agonizing. Even using a vice it was impossible to squeeze the ring in the right way to make it wide enough, and we had to cut it off. Not comforatble at all. My feeling was for her though, giving birth to the brat must have HURT to get her to squeeze like that.



  • LeatherGryphonLeatherGryphon Posts: 11,665
    edited November 2022

    Catherine3678ab said:

    A researched collection of historical tales, some most interesting. Possibility "might" be that Mammoths still roamed the Earth not all that long ago, i.e. in the 1800s. And of 'people' tall as trees!


    Wishful thinking.indecision  No real proof, just stories and pseudo science.

    Post edited by LeatherGryphon on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited November 2022

    LeatherGryphon said:

    Catherine3678ab said:

    A researched collection of historical tales, some most interesting. Possibility "might" be that Mammoths still roamed the Earth not all that long ago, i.e. in the 1800s. And of 'people' tall as trees!


    Wishful thinking.indecision  No real proof, just stories and pseudo science.

    Before the days of cameras and your excellent proof keeping skills, stories and the beginnings of scientific research development is all what people had. Aside from embellished stories told concerning the alleged powers of a minute group of rulers, people weren't into telling totally false stories like they do today. Time and precious resources were not wasted on things like romance novels, etc.

    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Enjoy a day spent with today's giants :-)  {Obviously some of these tales of old need to be taken with a grain of salt -- thread of truth though for the volcano stories, yes some groups all around the globe did use volcanos [sometimes hidden with pyramid structures] to dispose of the dead.}



  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited April 2023



    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • For those that like watching pens being made ;-)



  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited April 2023

    Bear sees himself in mirror:  https://youtube.com/shorts/Lbgvb1x6raM?feature=share

    over 10 hours!


    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Catherine3678abCatherine3678ab Posts: 8,401
    edited November 2022

    3D Doodling :-)

    3D Doodling.png
    420 x 1000 - 373K
    Post edited by Catherine3678ab on
  • Wanna see how Starfish do it? hehehe ... caution, do not be eating dinner while watching this one ;-)


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