Does Installing the Newest Version of DS Erase the Older Version ?
in The Commons
Does Installing the Newest Version of DS Erase or UNINSTALL the Older Version? Can I have 2 different versions of DAZ Studio on my computer at the same time?
Yes. Unless you rename the folder on your hard drive where daz is intalled, to include a version number. Like This:
yes, unless it is a beta version, then the two can be installed along side each other
Thank you. So I create a folder with the NEW VERSION number? And do I manually install it into that folder, or does DIM know to install the new version there automatically? Are the plugins automatically installed too?
In my experience, before installing the new version I renamed the previous versions folder then installed the new one as normal. As in I use the exe installer from my product library. I don't use DIM or Central or any of that. I cannot speak to plugins since I don't use any, aside from the default ones that come with the program. And there seems to be no issues with using them in the different versions of the program.