Different sale prices on pages and in cart
The page for "VDB Cloud Collection for Iray" shows a 44% discount to $11.18, but adding it to my cart only gets a 20% discount to $15.96. Why the disparity?
VDB Clouds.jpg
1657 x 766 - 206K
Post edited by Ptrope on
Also, the "Z Sauna Retreat and Poses" page shows the same disparity between the sale price on its page, and the price in the cart, which is only 20% off. I'm not going to check every product, but are sale prices just not working today?
The discount is supposed to be 20% off (and 30% off for 2+) according to today's sale page. The 44% off displayed on the product page is incorrect.
i reported that to the sales thread a bit ago. If that is the case, its out of my cart
Every single new item is showing on the main page as 44% off. 20% off is not only no incentive, it's bait-and-switch - I can't believe that no one responsible for this site is even checking that the sale prices display correctly.
The pricing issue seems to effect the DAZ+ items as well:
On page Volt Textures >>> $2.23 -85%
In cart Volt Textures >>> $3.19 79% Off
On Page Volt Bot $5.99 -68%
In Cart Volt Bot -- $2.40 87% Off --- Note that the Volt Bot has an additional 60% off when purchasing a current DAZ+ item, so I'm really not sure what the "in the cart" price should be.
Reported this.