DAZ save file abilities (Speed)

plarffplarff Posts: 278
edited March 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

So.. recently my Asustor NAS got the deadbolt ransomware. Suffice to say had to reinstall my assets. I did backup most of it but I decided to clean out the Manifestfiles and start a new, downloading ontop of what i had on the backup drive.

Basically most done now but I noticed it's not all of my assets installed. Some from other places like Renderocity and Renderotica etc. Basically what I have noticed is, before I got hit by deadbolt saving a new scene took almost hours. NOW though it's 40 seconds if that much. ANY scene. Opening also seems faster. So not sure if it's due to the amount of assets i have on my D-drive where I keep the assets or some cache file such as Manifestfiles ? I doubt it's the amount/volume of assets I have, but think how DAZ reads them and saves them into a compiled save file. Maybe this was address?

I'm using DAZ 4.20 in Win10 

I wonder. Killing the Manifestfiles everytime and redownloadin/installing in DIMS everytime is not the answer, if that is the cure for speeding up saving files.

Anyway I'm just pondering this.

Post edited by plarff on


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    The manifests are used by Install Manager, not Daz Studio. Is everything going back in the same place? The NAS will be slower than a local drive. On loading, at least, it's entirely possible that soem of the items you had previously had bad references that were slowing the processing - that could be the Render* items, or it could be Daz items that have had an update in the meantime.

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278
    edited March 2022

    HI Richard. As i say im spitballing here. You could be onto something and yes manifests are for DIMS. Still I think DAZ the way it reads the assest/morphs it uses in a scene it can get laggy in saving to a new file. I usualy do updates on regular basis to keep the assets updated. As for local drive versus alternate drive as I have it, ive had assets on the local drive and honestly couldn't then notice a difference when i popped it over to my D-drive. BUT this can be a reason. However i have it setup now on seperate drive and as i say its pretty fast in saving. 

    I'll monitor it as i buy and install new assets and see if things slow down, obviously as the drive start to fill up, it'll become slower to read from it etc...

    Thx for answering.

    ps. is there no way for DAZ or Dims or DazCentral to "clean" or fix one's installed assets? One click type of function?

    Richard Haseltine said:

    The manifests are used by Install Manager, not Daz Studio. Is everything going back in the same place? The NAS will be slower than a local drive. On loading, at least, it's entirely possible that soem of the items you had previously had bad references that were slowing the processing - that could be the Render* items, or it could be Daz items that have had an update in the meantime.

    Post edited by plarff on
  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    What do you mean by clean?

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278

    I mean fix or "clean" up broken asset links or missing assets. As you mentioned things may have taken slow to save or load cause of broken links not so?


    Richard Haseltine said:

    What do you mean by clean?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,851

    It can't fix product issues, if that is what you want - it may be able to remove bad product references, but there is a possibility that the bad rferences are left from a previous failed uninstall in which case another uninstall won't help.

  • my information about the slow loading of the scenes should be due to the large number of installed morphs.
    I load G3F, G3 and G8M figures quickly and load G8F extremely slowly, depending on the sceene up to 2 hours...
    G8f has a lot of morphs installed and I don't dare to add more because the statement from DAZ was that when loading the morphs, they will go through all of them and extend the loading time.

    But if I delete, for example, never used morphs (there are many of them) and load a saved scene, do I have 100th error messages about missing files?

  • plarffplarff Posts: 278

    Good to know.

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