figures disappear from Filament view

Hello wonderful new friends! (overview): Any generation of genesis containing a geograft can disappear from the viewport when using Filament. (the long story): I have various types of geografts for figures G1, G2M, G3F, G3M, and G8F, when loaded in a figure, while dial spinning morphs or previewing aniblocks, the figures are disappearing from the Filament view, leaving only standard clothes and hair etc. visible - simple scenes mostly with only one figure with clothes and hair, nothing else.  The parameters haven't changed so I finally thought to switch to texture shading and it was all visible again. Note: if there was something in the Filament view that hadn't disappeared,(clothes, hair, a non-geograft figure, etc.) when switching to texture shaded then back to Filament, now nothing was visible at all - it's as if Filament was turned off. This only happens when a geograft is loaded in a figure. I've paid close attention to what I was doing just before the problem happens and there is nothing in the log about the incident. I can work on a figure for a long time, like about an hour, before it disappears, or only minutes. Then I have to reload the scene that, of course, no longer has the undo history. As a test, usually I can force the incident by using a figure, with a geograft, to preview a rather active aniblock, but the time it takes to disappear is quite variable - having a second figure in a scene, that has no geograft preview an aniblock, can also make the geograft one disappear! How strange is that? Seven months ago I bought a much stronger PC exclusively for DS. / win 10 64 bit i7-11700 @2.50 GHz with Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti and 32gb RAM, driving a cheap 50" 4k TV as the monitor/ I wasn't expecting to have any issues with Filament. I've kept updated with the latest DS versions and now have 4.20. I've just updated the graphics driver too, no change. Are any of you wonderful people experiencing this wackiness? Thanks for reading this / Blessings to all / G


  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885
    edited March 2022

    This won't help you much, but I can't reproduce this problem. I tried to do what you described. I have one G8F with geograft anatomical elements (genitals), The other G8F does not have a geograft. I previewed several animation presets (are those aniblocks? I don't know). I dialed several character morphs. I posed characters. I added clothes and hair. I did dForce simulations on the dress. I changed to different hair and clothing. I changed textures on clothing and hair. I did all that in Filament veiwport draw style. I switched the viewport draw style between Iray, texture shaded and Filament several times. I rendered the Filament veiw. Nothing disappeared and nothing unexpected happened. You said the time to problem is variable. Maybe it just didn't happen in the time I worked on this (30 minutes or so).

    2 G8F One with geograft AE Filament.jpg
    2000 x 2600 - 2M
    Post edited by barbult on
  • Wow, thanks barbult! Thanks for accuratly reading my lengthy ramble and actually trying to replicate the issue, I much appreciate your help! The time you spent seems like enough! I did some more (exausting) exaustive tests with new confusing results. I just loaded G3F and loaded Lulu Jeans (Lulu outfit for G3F) cause I realised it must have a geograft ( rather than an autofit ). It certainly seems to have a standard geograft that makes most of G3F's pelvis and legs disappear allowing the jeans to replace that space / geometry. So, with just those 2 items in the scene, I added a G8 aniblock (dance Spin , I don't know where the G3 ones are) for G3F in the animate timeline. After repeating it for 30 minutes the figure and clothing were still visible in Filament view! My other tests would usually result in the genesis figure disappearing in 5 to 10 minutes. So, It seems that this geograft must be different in some way and hence not an issue for my system. My other test today was, the V4 Legacy UV Geografts for G8F, same test, just G8F with applied geografts. After the spin aniblock ran for 10 minutes, It was the average result, G8F disappeared - although it did, strangely, leave the eyelashes. Your quote "I previewed several animation presets (are those aniblocks?)" I'm thinking they're aniblocks but even if they're some other ani file I would think the point is that motion was created and that would cause the same issue (now I have something else to test :)  And thanks barbult for posting the render, It's helpful even just to see what someone else can do in Filament - and I'm very impressed with the Dforce, I don't have a clue at this point! Final thought, although I did manage to do some tests, I have wondered if my problem is related to 4K - are you using 4K? Thanks again, have a great day! / blessings to all / G  

  • barbultbarbult Posts: 24,885
    edited March 2022

    What do you mean by "using 4K"? Are you talking about your monitor size (UHD 3840 by 2160) or texture file size (4096 by 4096) or ????
    My monitor is UHD.

    Edit: After rereading your original message, I think you mean the 4K TV you are using as a monitor. Mine is not a TV, but I don't see how that could be the issue. I have Daz Studio in full screen mode with a pane dock on each side and the viewport in the middle, so my viewport is quite large.

    For the animation, I just hovered the cursor over the animation presets in the Smart Content pane for a few seconds and watched the character go through those motions in the viewport. I didn't use the Animate pane or let the animation run for minutes at a time.

    Post edited by barbult on
  • Yeah, I was wondering what rez monitor you use. Sounds like you must have similar resources. Dont know much about PC' s or Daz, but I saw a forum post that claimed hiding geometry with the geometry editor actually made a bigger scene file (if I understood correctly) hence, would use more resources. I would think I have enough resources, but, isn't a geograft essentially hiding geomerty and adding more? Guess I'll do some more tests and hopefully have time to actually have fun with this crazy toy. Anyway, I was thinking of learning to use the geometry editor, cause I like to combine multiple hair, and in Filament if I shut off visibility of a layer it still casts a shadow! I suppose that would be a new thread. Thanks again for your responses! / blessings to all / G

  • I have the same issue as well, and I have to restart daz almost after every render. I hope it is only a bug which can be fixed soon. I'm suspecting the nvdia driver btw (I have an rtx3060). I hope it will be good again,

  • dougdoug Posts: 12

    Did you guys ever figure this out? Just started happening to me - seems like a memory issue?! I didnt change my hardware recently.

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,637

    my whole scene disappears sometimes in Filament on my Win7 with only integrated Intel graphics 

    I have close DAZ studio and sometimes reboot the PC to get it back

    that's simply my sad OpenCL driver being overwhelmed 

  • Same issue...I never met this problem until I updated to the new 4.22 version. The characters disappear a lot recently.. I tried switch between display mods, but it can't bring back the figures. I must shut down and restart the studio, reload the scene, and I can work on it 8-10 minutes, then the characters one after another say goodby. And yesterday the filament screen freezed. I changed points of view, but it remained on the perspective. I changed the display mode, I edited the scene in cartoon mode, but when I went back to the filament screen, it showed the old scene, and I couldn't move in it.

    This new version 4.22 is disastrous, full of bugs, I encounter more and more problems every day. Every day I cry back the previous version 4.1, which was stable and reliable.

    At least we get a lot of advertisements in addition to the many errors. This is now more important than a usable program.

  • mercutioaquarius_f426dc726f said:

    Same issue...I never met this problem until I updated to the new 4.22 version. The characters disappear a lot recently.. I tried switch between display mods, but it can't bring back the figures. I must shut down and restart the studio, reload the scene, and I can work on it 8-10 minutes, then the characters one after another say goodby. And yesterday the filament screen freezed. I changed points of view, but it remained on the perspective. I changed the display mode, I edited the scene in cartoon mode, but when I went back to the filament screen, it showed the old scene, and I couldn't move in it.

    This new version 4.22 is disastrous, full of bugs, I encounter more and more problems every day. Every day I cry back the previous version 4.1, which was stable and reliable.

    At least we get a lot of advertisements in addition to the many errors. This is now more important than a usable program.

    Have you reported these issues (via a suport ticket, though raising them in the release thread in Daz Studio Discussions may be a step). This is not, that I have noticed, a common issue so the suspicion would be hardware, driveer or some kind of system conflict.

  • Richard Haseltine said:

    mercutioaquarius_f426dc726f said:

    Same issue....

    Have you reported these issues (via a suport ticket, though raising them in the release thread in Daz Studio Discussions may be a step). This is not, that I have noticed, a common issue so the suspicion would be hardware, driveer or some kind of system conflict.

    'cause this phenomenon appeared only in the 4.22 version, I don't think so it should be HW or driver error.

    2-3 monthes ago I tried to upgrade from 4.11 but then the render didn't work properly, and it was a very general issue. I reverted to the previous version, and everything worked again. Now I tried once more the upgrade and this was a mistake :-(

  •                      Hi, there's another thread about this, (sorry I can't link to it right now.) And I sent the following to tech support on 10/28/23. No response yet. (I still use D/S 4.21 and have this issue consistently) The ticket: / Hi, I've noted, and now confirmed with testing, that Genesis figures disappear from the Filament viewport, if they contain a geograft. Nothing disappears if geografts are not present, no matter how long DS is open or how heavy the scene is, even when looping animations in fullscreen. Similar tests done by another DS user reported the same result. My testing noted that; adding any animation to any Genesis figure (with a geograft) then looping it, would speed up the disappearance. The other DS user said they tested G8F with a "horns" geograft, loading a walking aniblock into animate(2?), setting it to loop and in 5 minutes the figure disappeared. They repeated the test 3 times with the same result. My results with G8F are similar, maybe 7 minutes on average to disappear. Any previous generation Genesis figure will most likely disappear by 10 minutes, or so, of animation playback. I just tested G9 with HerYun's geograft navel applied, and a G9 animated pose preset set to loop. The result was a little better, G9 disappeared at about 18 minutes - tested again with the same result. Something notable ( confirmed by the other user ) is that eyelashes, eyebrows, hair, clothes, etc., everything other than the base figure remains visable. When switching to any other drawstyle everything is visable again, and then when switching back to Filament view, nothing is visable anymore! (still visable switching to the other drawstyles). Filament no longer functions, selecting "new scene" and reloading the scene duf does no good - DS needs to be completely restarted. I have a variety of geografts from Daz ( V4 mats for G8F, etc.) and some free ones too, and they all initiate this phenomena. 'Trying to give you as much pertinent info as possible from the start: DS 4.21 last public builld / win 10 64 bit / i7-11700 @ 2.50 GHz / 32gb RAM / Nvidia RTX 3060 Ti powering DS on a 50" 4k TV monitor in portrate mode, always in fullscreen view / separate 2k monitor for all the DS menus powered by the Intel onboard graphics card. Thanks very much for looking at all this, hoping there's a fix for the problem even before DS 5 :) 'Hope you're having a great day!/ peace //////////// mercutioaquarius_f426dc726f So I'm sorry to hear that it sounds like 4.22 still has that strange issue - thanks for reviving this discussion! / peace

  •                           Hi again, I bravelysurpriseupdated to D/S 4.22 public build and tested G3F with a geograft attached and a looping aniblock in Animate2. It looked promising at first, staying visable maybe a bit longer, but it disappeared after 10 minutes. That's my story, hope I don't have to stick to it.laugh/ peace

  • dougdoug Posts: 12

    Did you guys ever figure this out? I have had this issue a while too - If I'm doing animations, it seems to fill up some buffer after about 10-20 minutes, then its "invisible charachter time". I have ot restart Daz to clear the buffer. 

  • KenYanoKenYano Posts: 112

    I've had this problem every not so often since filament was introduced, too.

  • 3DmentiaNull3DmentiaNull Posts: 139
    edited December 2024

             Hi y'all, after a long initial wait I was told to send a video, so I sent a video of G9 (base shape no textures) looping the idle animation, from the default templates, with an attached navel geograft. G9 did pretty well, but disappeared at about 18 minutes. Sent it the middle of September, no response yet. Still using DS / peace

    Post edited by 3DmentiaNull on
  • JJDJJD Posts: 10

    I've been having the same issue with G8M, on version I'll send a bug report and reference this thread when it happens again.

  • 3DmentiaNull3DmentiaNull Posts: 139

    Thanks JJD. / peace

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