How to see existing dForce influence maps?

I am working with a piece of dForce clothing that clearly has a dForce influence map applied because some parts of the mesh will not simulate, even though the surfaces all have "visible in simulation" turned on and dynamics strength is 1.0. But I don't know where to see an existing influence maps included by the product developer? In particular this is SY Fantasy Weat Megapacck Bra 02, but this is a general question about any dForce product with weight maps already "built in" somehow. There's no Modified Weight Node shown, so how can there be a dForce influence map, and how can I access it and alter it? I feel like I'm missing something obvious about how to see existing weight maps applied to objects. It's not listed in the Node Weight Map Brush tool, and I can't think of where else to look.
Add a dForce Modifier Weigth Node from the Create menu and you will have access to the existing map(s) - the node is for selecting the maps for editing, however they belong to the dForce item itself and don't go away if you remove the access node.
Ah, thank you, Richard!