Cannot get Duke hair to work with Mark Kids 4

See attached image. I cannot get the hair to work.

1920 x 1080 - 185K


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Icons we see in the screenshot look like material presets. You need to load the actual hair first.

  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    Which box has the actual hair? I tried them all and none of them loaded the hair.

  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    See attached file. Is it the one on the bottom right.

    1918 x 1080 - 183K
  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    With just the icon it's hard to tell. What do you see in the "info" tab under it when you select that one?

  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    See attached file. Is it the one on the bottom right.

  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    I finally found a way to get Duke Hair to appear. I selected it and look what happened.

  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    Here it is rendered. I am frustrated but making progress.  aaaaaaaarh! Why is DAZ so complicated!

    1920 x 1080 - 231K
  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Which version of duke hair did you load, the one for Generation 4 figures or the one for Genesis figures?

    Kids 4 belongs to figure family that existed before any Genesis figures came out and they were made primarily for Poser.

    If you want to load the Generation 4 version of Duke hair, you should do it in Content Library, under Poser Formats -> [Name of your content library] -> Hair -> Duke Hair

  • NorthOf45NorthOf45 Posts: 5,556

    Duke Hair for Millennium Generation 4 (V4, A4, G4, M4, H4, K4) is the one that appears in Products -> D because that is the Product name and is installed as such. The Genesis version of Duke Hair is part of Genesis Starter Essentials, and does not have its own installer, so it will not show in Products -> D, but under G -> Genesis Starter Essentials (with a whole lot of other stuff)

    On the other side of the coin, the Generation 4 version has no metadata, hence no default category (well, it is in Lost and Found as a result), so it is not the version you see under default categories. The Genesis version does have metadata, and has a default category of Hair -> Short.

    Confusing, in that both have the same icon and filename, but one has extension .hr2 and the other .duf. You can set your preferences to show file extensions (F2 - Content - Show file extensions) if you want, it helps to identify the Poser files from the DSON files.

  • rnollmanrnollman Posts: 310

    I solved the problem by using the 8.0 version child. Works great. I used a great hair product and have created some really great base illustrations. I think I have learned a good lesson. Try to stick with the lastest technology.

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