DIM Error - Error connecting to CMS. Cannot be started by client.

Hello. Long story, here is a choppy gist of where I'm at: I was having an issue getting a plugin to work (Measure Metrics) and spent hours trying to sort that out getting frustrated with the cluster that is the Daz file organization structure, but ultimately deicded to just clear everything Daz related off my computer and try a new install. I have saved all my assets to an external hard drive to reintegrate after the new install. After (I believe) clearing all Daz related things off my computer, I reinstalled Daz Central on my Mac and attempted to get Daz Studio back from there, but the install keeps getting stuck and restarting and freezing so I decided to try DIM instead. I downloaded DIM on my Mac. I am able to successfully download DAZ Studio 4.20 (Mac 64-Bit) but then when I go to install it says "Install Failed!". Can anyone help me figure out what is going on and why I cannot get it installed? Below is the Helper Log File:


2022-03-08 23:08:41.119 +++++++++++++++ Install Manager Helper starting +++++++++++++++++

2022-03-08 23:08:41.119 OS bits: 64

2022-03-08 23:08:41.119 Platform bits: 64

2022-03-08 23:08:41.119 Qt Version: 4.8.7

2022-03-08 23:08:41.119 Locale: en_US

2022-03-08 23:08:41.132 Running on Macintosh OS 12.0 Monterey

2022-03-08 23:08:41.132 Current DateTime:

2022-03-08 23:08:41.133 Loc: Tue Mar 8 23:08:41 2022

2022-03-08 23:08:41.134 UTC: Wed Mar 9 04:08:41 2022

2022-03-08 23:08:41.134 Application Data:

2022-03-08 23:08:41.134 Location = /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/InstallManager

2022-03-08 23:08:41.134 Disk Total: 112.6 GB (120988852224)

2022-03-08 23:08:41.134 Disk Avail: 69.1 GB (74199928832)

2022-03-08 23:08:41.134 Helper application data path: /Users/[username]/Library/Application Support/DAZ 3D/InstallManager

2022-03-08 23:08:41.135 Starting CMS...

2022-03-08 23:08:41.135 Error connecting to CMS. Cannot be started by client.

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Current Content Install Path:

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Location = /Users/[username]/Daz 3D/Applications/Data/DAZ 3D/My DAZ 3D Library

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Disk Total: 112.6 GB (120988852224)

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Disk Avail: 69.1 GB (74199924736)

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Current 64-bit Software Install Path:

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Location = /Users/[username]/Applications

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Disk Total: 112.6 GB (120988852224)

2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Disk Avail: 69.1 GB (74199924736)


  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    First hint, Install using DIM (DAZ Install Manager), not DAZ Central on macOS.

  • Totte said:

    First hint, Install using DIM (DAZ Install Manager), not DAZ Central on macOS.

    That is literally what I said I am trying to do though, and where I am getting my latest error. I am asking for help within DIM.

  • TotteTotte Posts: 14,100

    Are you running DIM from an account with sudo rights  (Can admin the computer)?.
    This looks a bit strange:

    2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Location = /Users/[username]/Applications

    Should be:
    2022-03-08 23:08:41.140 Location = /Applications/DAZ 3D

    You can set this undet advanced settings -> Installation in DIM

    64 Bit Software field


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