How to load my installed morph in Daz 4.20

Hi everyone, I'm using Daz Studio 4.20 Pro. with Genesis 8 male.  I purchased Growing Up for Genises 8 Male (s).  I installed it using the Install Manager.  It shows where the product was installed and I find a bunch of .dsf files I navigate to the location using Windows File Explorer .  Watching tutorials on youtube it seems that I need to use Morph Loader Pro then click on Choose Morph Files and search for the morph file.  Using the Morph Loader Pro I navigate to the folder where supposedly the morph was installed but didn't find any .obj file or anyghing.  I looked under the Paramaters tab after selecting the Genises 8 Male and saw nothing related to the morph I downloaded and installed.  I look under the shaping tab and got the same results... nothing.

Obviously I'm doing everyghing wrong.  I apoligize for being such a newbie but can someone please give me an idea how to get my morph loaded in Daz 4.20?  I would really appreciate it after spending the better half of a day looking for solutions.

Thanks a lot for any help with this.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    You don't need to use the Morph Loader, and in fact can't with products made for DS because the .obj files are converted into Daz files. If it's installed properly, the morphs should just appear on your G8M. Look under Full Body.

  • Thank you... I found them.  Thank you so much!!

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