Make Nth frame of an animation into the first frame
Posts: 720
Hi all,
I've accidentally set up my animation start point without realising that the pointer was set to frame 30. Is there any way I can make the 30th frame into the first frame? I'm sorry if this is really basic, but I've never tried animations before.
The best workaround I've found is to add another 30 frames then pretend the first 30 didn't happen, but is there anything better?
Post edited by AndrewJJP on
So you just want the current thirtieth frame at frame 0, nothing else is needed? Just save a pose preset, in the options dialogue save only the current (thirtieth) frame, clear the animation from the figure, and apply the pose at frame 0
That could work for a single figure with no dForce on the clothes or hair, etc. but would be extremely cumbersome for a whole scene with many posed or moved objects. Isn't there a better way?
At the bottom of the timeline, set Play Range Start (the box next to the total number of frames) to whatever you want the first frame number to be.
Thanks, that's a great tip for the figure that has the most movement. I also have the camera and some lights (all primitives parented to nulls) that move too. Hopefully there are not too many attributes changing on those and I can just copy / paste the values.
Or maybe if it's looking too much effort, I'll use @Gordig's suggestion and just at frame 30, and add another 30 frames on. It feels like something I could try for my first attempt at writing a script if I have time...
Thanks again!.