Could Luthbel PLEASE update Eldritch Seeker to G8/8.1 ?
in The Commons
It's still the best in its category but hard to make it work on new figures. I converted it to G8 with Sickleyield's converter but it's less then perfect. The holster doesn't convert at all. The clothes mostly fit on a 8.1 figure but when I bend the arm the shirt doesn't move with it.
Pretty please! It doesn't even have to be dforce. Make it a new product. I swear I'll buy it right out the door.
In the meantime, use Fit Control (plus more), male/female bundles available too. With it, you can fix almost any glaring issue---except a mangled holster. Sleeve offset would fix your arm bend problem. Try using unconverted items as well: Conversion sometimes causes more problems than it remedies.
I am also in the please update eldritch seeker group and have it with dForce. It just looks so awesome and having that trench coat flow with the wind with dForce would be perfect for one of my animated projects. I've tried to get non dForce items to dForce and I'm just not there on knowing what works the best.
I'm in the "Luthbel-Can-You-Please-Update-All-Of-Your-G2-And-Older-Stuff-To-G8-And-I-Would-Gladly-Pay" group.
I have all the fit control and use them all the time. I tried, didn't work with the sleeves. And unconverted G2 clothing doesn't doesn't even load right on a 8.1 figure.
I would do anything for G8 Eldritch Seeker!
Yes, it still the best looking trench out there! Plus a good gun holsters are rare.
Also, yes please.
I would also add my voice to this. It's such an awesome outfit, and there has not been a set of holsters as good since.
It would be awesome, but Luthbel doesn't seem to like repeating themselves, War Dog Remastered notwithstanding.
This. And Genesis too (although some have been updated to later Genesis versions). :)
I tried the RSSY G2M to G8M converter, and I don't think it is so bad. Yes, a few quirks, but nothing drastic. Here are my notes on it if anyone wants to give it a go.
All parts convert except the holster. The holster can be forced successfully (I used a different projection - Converter Coat M), and starts out okay. There is a leg bone lost in the process, but not really a problem (probably what causes it to fail in the first place). The converter uses a complete skeleton, which also adds a full face rig, so the extra bones could be removed, if not needed.
The trench coat has a little lateral stretch distortion on the lower back panel, and the cuffs pull up a little at the very ends, which could be corrected with carefully mapped D-Formers, or Mesh Grabber to straighten the mesh (without going outside Studio). The bones and corresponding face groups for the belt are lost, but can be easily added back in if you really want them. Weight maps might need to be re-done (didn't try it)
The holster, as mentioned, starts out okay, but the weight-mapping gets spread out across several nodes, causing distortion as the figure twists and bends. The original G2M version has all the weight on the chest node, preventing distortion of the part that actually carries the gun. Increasing the weight on the lower chest node of the holster to 100% on the relevant parts will essentially prevent the distortion (removing contributions from abdomen and waist). The guns will need a little repositioning to fit properly into the holsters.
The shirt has a little trouble with arms raised, bulging out quite a bit at the arm pits and shoulders, poking through the vest and holster straps. The mesh gets a little twisted in the armpits, folding back on itself due to the A-pose, complicating things. Not sure if it is a weight-mapping or mesh problem, but it is difficult to correct.
In general, the weight mapping could use some adjusting, but this goes from TriAx (with bulges) to General, so I am not surprised something gets lost in translation.
My problem is this. Shirt doesn't follow lower arm bend. Upper arm is fine, but anything below the elbow is nada. Same with coat.
Could be because of the morph since it works fine for me. I just tried it our on GM8 and I think it autofits well
Which ones?
Ad Gladio, Future Wilderness, Corsair, Jack Of Hearts
I'd pay again for ALL Genesis and Genesis 2 outfits to be updated to Genesis 8 - the male outfits anyway. Thankfully that's most of them. LOL :D
I'd gladly buy a g8m version of this. I love this outfit so much...
They were updated to G8? I thought they were just updated to Genesis. I haven't had the best of luck converting from Genesis to G8 or G2 to G8. G3 to G8 is typically ok (for the most part), but the older shapes, even with RSSY's conversion script, just don't work right in almost all cases. I suppose some may find it passable, but I'm really anal about the look of clothing.
Hav you tried on an 8.1 figure? Because that's what I'm using.
Well I just trtied it and got good results, not as good as 8, but no sleeve issues
No, they weren't updated to G8. I WISH they were updated to G8 ;).