Update Genesis 2 manually?

DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
edited December 1969 in The Commons

Just wondering if there is a way to manually update The Genesis 2 figures, kinda like M4 and V4 did, I have dials that aren't showing so trying to figure out what's going on or if I should u install then reinstall the figures or everything


  • SixDsSixDs Posts: 2,384
    edited April 2015

    There is no utility specifically for Genesis 2 Female that will check for updates. However, the DAZ Install Manager (DIM), if installed, will update content automatically, or notify you of updates for almost all the DAZ content. If you are using only Poser, the latter won't work, but you could manually check yourself if you have reason to believe your version of G2F is out-of-date. You will need to manually re-download the Genesis 3 Female Starter Essentials .zip file and check the contents for file dates compared to what you have installed. Alternatively, you could simply install the latest version. You shouldn't need to remove ("uninstall") the original, since the original files will simply be overwritten by the newer ones.

    Post edited by SixDs on
  • DkgooseDkgoose Posts: 1,451
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for the response, what I meant with updating is after you'd install an addon you'd run the script to make sure things ran smopthly, I'm having issues with morphs not showing in the shaping tab, I see the files installed but for whatever reason the dials are missing and it happened with a fed of my products, so I'm confused about what to do to fix the problem

  • FistyFisty Posts: 3,416
    edited December 1969

    If you're opening an old scene from before you installed the morphs you need to load a new Gene into the scene, you can load the second one and then select the first one and edit -> copy, then edit->paste pose to the second one in DS, I don't know if Poser has that exact function but probably. If you are starting with a fresh Gene and it's not working, first make absolutely sure the morphs got installed in the right place. Failing that, if you're using poser go to scripts->DSON importer, I think it's in preferences there you'll find an option to clear the DSON cashe, try that without a Gene in your scene. If it's not working in DS with a new Gene I have no idea other than getting them installed in the wrong place.

  • BejaymacBejaymac Posts: 1,897
    edited December 1969

    Genesis 1 & 2 use Regions, and as such only morphs assigned to the Regions will show in the Shaping tab, if your morphs aren't showing then they weren't coded to use the Regions, in which case the only place you'll find them is in the Parameters tab.

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