Could someone help me with cross-hairs?
First post in the new forum, yay!
Anywho, I need something for an render idea I just had. I need a high tech, futuristic cross-hair overlay like someone is looking through a sci-fi sniper rifle at someone. The more tech/futuristic the better. Does that make sense? Can someone help me out? Hopefully for free and I will give you (or whoever) full credit on the artwork's page. I know nothing about real guns and I'm afraid if I play a video game (like Mass Effect) for reference I won't be able to stop!
It can be just a 2D overlay that I can apply in Photoshop, no need for a 3D prop. I just don't know where else to ask! :) Thanks!
Did you look at the Future Tech Brushes? There are some, that could well be used as futuristic crosshair
you'd of course have to own Photoshop to use them
There are some nice free brushes available at Deviant Art too: (even comes as png if I read that correctly, so you could use it in other programms too :) )
Here is a quickie overlay I did, at 2500 x 2500 px. in .png with transparency:
And the PSD it was created from:
Is that the kind of thing you were looking for?
If you google "reticle png" (or any other graphics filetype), then you should find a whole bunch of examples of actual reticles (the technical name for cross-hairs), hopefully at least some of which will be okay for use (the FPS mod community tends to use them a lot).
@BlazeMystEra Yes, I have Photoshop CS5 so I can use those brushes. I think between the Future Tech and the brushes from deviantART I should be able to make something that fits my vision perfectly. Thanks!
@VuDu_DawL I was looking for something more tech-y since it's a futuristic scene but I think I've got what I need now. Still, thank you for your assistance!
@DWG Reticle, so that's what those things are called! Thanks! It took me about an hour just to think of the term "cross-hair" because I kept searching for "sniper rifle sight thing"... seriously. I can be so stupid at times; about certain things anyway. :)
Thank you all! I truly appreciate all your replies and help.
It's not at all a common term, so no surprise you didn't know it, I had the advantage over most people of having had a job (programming cockpit displays for military jets) where it was one of our technical terms.