Backgrounds, distant objects, and skydomes
What's the trick to making these convincing? More often than not in 3D world (not just DAZ world - I notice this is in games too), I notice where the world ends and the background begins, and sometimes it's a bit glaring. What's the trick to getting the objects to blend better with the background? The less that's faked - or less noticeably faked - the better. I've often resorted to positioning renders where the wall or floor cover the entire view, or the shot is low pointing up just enough (outdoors, some windows), or it's a shot where the backdrop allows for a off-camera drop-off between the figure and the backdrop (hills, mountains).
enable depth of field (DOF) in the camera which blurs the background a bit
If you use Iray you can use HDRIs. They provide good backgrounds (including ground in most cases) and there is not really an issue with positioning like with a backdrop on a plane or using the "environment" tab to insert an image.
Considerations for HDRIs: