getting blank renders
Daz 3D Forums > General > Technical Help (nuts n bolts)>getting blank renders
getting blank renders

Instead of rendering the scene on the screen, I am getting a blank image after several minutes of rendering. This just started happening. Any ideas how to fix it would be appreciated.
Without knowing more about your setup and the scenes you're trying to render, it's hard to guess, but it sounds like a classic case of failing to render on GPU when CPU fallback is disabled.
Detailing an issue and eventually adding relevant screenshots is the key to quick and efficient answers. We can't narrow down which one of your configuration choices might explain the problem.
Here is the scene ...
and here's the render ...
It rendered for several minutes. Did a little over a thousand iterations and rendered an empty scene. I've been using DAZ for several years and this has never happened before. I've had other problems but never this one.
No error messages. Just an empty render.
Just want to add that when I render, and the GPU kicks in, the fan on the laptop turns on for the duration of the rendering. It did all of that. It seemed like a normal render except it produced a blank image.
Would you mind clicking the "Currently Used" option on the render settings and screenshot that? We can only see the first few settings.
and also attaching your log of the failure to your post? Help>Troubleshooting>View Log file
That would help out alot.
Your camera maybe clipped behind a wall or something like that aswell.
Just enough you can see the scene in the viewport, but not in the render.
@Drogo Nazhur Make sure your Nvidia Iray drivers are up-to-date, especially if you have updated Daz Studio recently.
Also, if you are not using the CPU to render and only your GPU and it's out of VRAM, then the issue can happen. Restart your computer and Daz to fix that issue.
That's what happened. I powered down my PC over night and when I tried ot the following day, it worked normally. Thank you everyone for your assistance.
@Drogo Nazhur Awesome! Glad to hear that you are back up and rendering! It's nice when a restart is the only fix needed :)