Crashing Upon Selecting Camera Drop-Down Box
Paper Tiger_3932026
Posts: 108
It's not every time, but it's frequent enough to be a significant nuisance. I've noticed that, at least 3-4 times per day, when i select the camera drop down box to change cameras, Daz Insta crashes (the moment the box is clicked, not upon changing cameras). I didn't grab the error message from the crash report, and the logs make no mention of it. Just curious if this happens to anyone else?
Which DS you on? The latest? I haven't upgraded to latest yet, and haven't noticed that issue. On the other hand, I also haven't had a lot of time to be messin in daz for long sessions lately either, just a hour here and there.
I've had this issue with every version i've ever used, but i'm currently running 4.20 Pro
That has never happened to me in 10 years and many Daz Studio versions. I use a PC. If you use on a Mac, that could be important information.
I don't. I'm on PC as well.
It isn't a common complaint I've heard before. Maybe you have something else on your computer that conflicts. Or maybe it is a memory issue. Since it is so intermittent, it will be hard for you to pin down.
I've never seen this myself, and personally, if this happened 3-4 times per day no matter which version I was using, I'd probably stop using DS.