Rendering to Server producing .exr files -- want .png

I recently started rendering to a server, and I have been unintentionally rendering .exr files. I would really rather render .png, but I don't know where to change that setting for server renders. Help! I have used Daz for years but have never used a server before last week.

Also, if you have trips or tricks that you find helpful when rendering to a server, please chime in. Every little bit helps.

Thank you!


  • SpaciousSpacious Posts: 481

    I've never rendered to a server, so I won't be much help for that, but you should be able to convert EXR to PNG with software like GIMP or Photoshop for the renders that you've, I assume, already paid to render.

  • PalemoonPalemoon Posts: 28

    Thanks for answering, Spacious. We run a server in our home, so we are using that to lighten the load on my machine. Also, I like being able to work on another project while waiting for another one to render. When I pull the images into Photoshop, Photoshop won't allow me to change the image to a .png. It's strange. Also, rending a .exr file takes longer and uses more system resources than a .png.

    Any further information out there would be appreciated.


  • GordigGordig Posts: 10,191

    What happens when you try to export as a PNG, either through the Quick Export option or Export As? If it's failing for you, it might be because of the bit depth. Try going to Image -> Mode and changing from 32 bits to 8 (I THINK 16 would also work, but definitely 8 will), then export again.

  • SpaciousSpacious Posts: 481

    You can't just change it to a PNG.  You have to alter the bit depth and likely also the contrast first.  Then export as PNG.

    As to your original problem. The only time I'm aware of that DAZ renders to EXR is when you're using Canvases.  It may be worth going into the Render Settings > Advanced > Canvases Tab and chacking what's going on there.

  • PalemoonPalemoon Posts: 28

    Ohhhhhh...Okay. So, I was using a canvas. I will turn that off and see if it works.

    And...I was just now able to do a quick export to .png, so that is a mystery solved.

    I will report back about the canvas :-)

  • PalemoonPalemoon Posts: 28

    Success! Thank you very much, Spacious and Gordig!

    1600 x 2000 - 4M
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