Rogue/dagger combat poses

SorelSorel Posts: 1,407
edited May 2015 in Product Suggestions

Out of all the combat poses I have, there are plenty of sword fight poses, but nothing for a crafty rogue or dagger wielder. Do these exist somewhere or can someone possibly make some for G2? :)

Post edited by Sorel on


  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,239
    edited December 1969

    Good idea I've added it to my list :)

  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited May 2015

    [censored] I can't believe I missed this just before posting my thread. Talk about coincidence.
    Hey, Chohole, I'm reposting posting my OP text in this one, is there any way you could please delete my thread so that there aren't two of these on the same day?

    There are a couple sets of single-wielding dagger poses here, but is a deficiency of non-erotic/pinup, realistic, non-ridiculously large, (as in more like shortsword-sized) dual wielding dagger poses out there, commercial or free, for Genenes 1, 2, or even Gen 4 characters. I seriously need some for a project of mine. I suppose I could make my own, but I’m not sure where to even look for crossed-over-head daggers (the one I specifically need for my project involves a woman, with her daggers crossed about 60 degrees above/in front of her head, parrying the downward swing of a man’s sword, and she is slowly being overpowered.)

    *Casts a hopeful glance in Muscleman’s, Feralfey’s, Shimuzu’s, and Val3Dart’s direction*
    Yeah, I'd take it from you as well, DA, though I didn't mention you because the only combat-category poses I saw from you was the catgirl one, as such I couldn't judge whether or not you were capable/comfortable/experienced with weapon poses, let alone dual wielding ones. Your catgirl poses look VERY nice, but a warning-- I honestly won't be interested in your product if the poses don't look realistic-- specifically they have that "half-assed" look where it doesn't look like their muscles are tensed up at all.

    Post edited by IceEmpress on
  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    opal42987 said:
    [censored] I can't believe I missed this just before posting my thread. Talk about coincidence.
    Hey, Chohole, I'm reposting posting my OP text in this one, is there any way you could please delete my thread so that there aren't two of these on the same day?

    There are a couple sets of single-wielding dagger poses here, but is a deficiency of non-erotic/pinup, realistic, non-ridiculously large, (as in more like shortsword-sized) dual wielding dagger poses out there, commercial or free, for Genenes 1, 2, or even Gen 4 characters. I seriously need some for a project of mine. I suppose I could make my own, but I’m not sure where to even look for crossed-over-head daggers (the one I specifically need for my project involves a woman, with her daggers crossed about 60 degrees above/in front of her head, parrying the downward swing of a man’s sword, and she is slowly being overpowered.)

    *Casts a hopeful glance in Muscleman’s, Feralfey’s, Shimuzu’s, and Val3Dart’s direction*
    Yeah, I'd take it from you as well, DA, though I didn't mention you because the only combat-category poses I saw from you was the catgirl one, as such I couldn't judge whether or not you were capable/comfortable/experienced with weapon poses, let alone dual wielding ones. Your catgirl poses look VERY nice, but a warning-- I honestly won't be interested in your product if the poses don't look realistic-- specifically they have that "half-assed" look where it doesn't look like their muscles are tensed up at all.

    I do have a few more combat pose sets in my store in case you missed them. All of these are for melee type weapons.

    Post edited by Design Anvil - Razor42 on
  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited May 2015

    Ohhh, yeah, I forgot about that. Correction, I was looking specifically for vendors that included non-pinup/erotic weapon/combat poses-- all you have is the Catgirl and Fan pose set-- the latter, unfortunately, is not the best litmus test for a customer as Eastern fan poses tend to be... wait, I think the word I am looking for is fairy-style rather than pinup-style poses. The war fan is a very graceful weapon-- and upon close scrutinization of your fan poses, a few of them do indeed have that tense, "powerful" look that I require-- primarily promo 3 example 3, while the rest are mildly to very "graceful" (which I have no problem with, since like I said, the war fan is a very graceful weapon, and you'd probably make a male war fan set similarly or just as graceful-- I was initially going to critique the lack of parrying poses, but upon close scrutiny, your model is far too intricate and delicate for such a purpose :) So to make clear, in the end I have no problem with the poses in your Meilin6 fan pose set, I just don't have any characters who use war fans.)
    I wasn't even thinking about the fact that the fans are dual wielding when I skimmed through your products :\ So you've proven that you can make VERY nice dual wielding poses of women and men alike. My one complaint with your Wildenlander pose set is that there are no blatant guarding or parrying poses (a few poses work as upper-body parrying poses, but not as the typical posture you would see with a correctly executed one, and most would need some adjustment, and a different lower body pose save Attack 06, which mostly just needs M6 to be crouching more/knees more bent. One of the other poses *can't tell which file it is because I can't find the promo match in promos 2~5* would work as a "blade locked with opponent" pose if replaced with the lower body pose from Attack 06. Just to clarify, despite my critique about the lack of parry poses, I absolutely love the variety and quality/realism of your Wildenlander poses, and would most definitely get it if I had a need for dual-wielding sword poses. ....Oh, wait, yeah I do, just not for my current project.)

    Wait, wait. Why do promo 4's middle right and promo 5 middle right's poses look identical? It looks like both are Attack 06 from the same angle :\ Uh... did I just catch a promo error? Or did you leave both poses the same so that there would be 6 poses in each promo saving 1 and 6? Just uh... pointing out in case it was something you weren't aware of. :(

    Anyhow, I wish you luck on your dagger pose product (if it's upcoming) and hope it includes the same versatility as your Wildenlander pose set + some parrying poses. *Drools in anticipation*

    Post edited by IceEmpress on
  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,239
    edited May 2015

    I believe you're right, I must of missed relinking the correct file for that promo. Guess there is a mystery pose in there ;)

    I will definitely aim to include some defensive blocking poses in future packs based on your feedback, as I can see the value.

    Post edited by Design Anvil - Razor42 on
  • IceEmpressIceEmpress Posts: 639
    edited December 1969

    Oh, dude, thanks! :D That will be awesome.

  • SorelSorel Posts: 1,407
    edited December 1969

    Razor 42 said:
    Good idea I've added it to my list :)

    Omg yay <3</p>

  • FeralFeyFeralFey Posts: 3,930
    edited December 1969

    I have daggers in this set, complete with poses:

    I'm also working on a Knives of the World series, which I hope to debut soon.

  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,239
    edited December 1969

    This one is due for release very soon.

    1000 x 1300 - 243K
    1000 x 1300 - 220K
    1000 x 1300 - 229K
    1000 x 1300 - 194K
    1000 x 1300 - 225K
  • FirstBastionFirstBastion Posts: 7,852
    edited December 1969

    Razor 42 said:
    This one is due for release very soon.

    That third image will probably make the "art of the promo" thread.

  • Design Anvil - Razor42Design Anvil - Razor42 Posts: 1,239
    edited December 1969
  • SorelSorel Posts: 1,407
    edited December 1969

    omg thank you so much! Just bought them, will def be doing some renders soon!

  • Hi, I just purchased them! Downloaded and installed fine, but they don't show up anywhere in DS.Any known problems with it ?

    I would really like use them :)


  • SorelSorel Posts: 1,407

    They dont show up in Smart Content for some reason, you have to find them in the content library pane.

  • Sorel said:

    They dont show up in Smart Content for some reason, you have to find them in the content library pane.

    I found them under Content Library-->Products-->D but when I select it, nothing shows up on the right pane.Are there any other required products besides Dagger Dreams ?

  • Ok.. I just found them under My DAZ 3D Lib :) Thanks for your quick answer.

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