Designer Needed for Custom Stickman Character w/Ongoing Work

chief-2764711chief-2764711 Posts: 2
edited December 1969 in The Commons

I am not a designer (but I do have extensive IT skills, including non-3D 3-axle CNC/CADD design experience). I am disabled now (legally deafblind) and am trying to create supplemental income by starting a t-shirt business with a niche in equality (disabilities, LGBT, race, etc.) using a 3D character as the "mascot" for the logo and t-shirt designs. Because of my low vision, I am unable to learn or do any of the 3D work myself but am able to review images of the mockups and final designs. I am quite detailed and know what I am looking for so you will get concise feedback on your work.

What I need is someone who can create a custom stickman in various poses with various props and wording for the t-shirts. There will be a wide range of postures including sign language and ASL. There won't be any scene environments/layouts (i.e. walls, floor, trees, sky, etc.), just simply the stickman and props with wording. Some of the props I will need designed over time as more t-shirts are done monthly are; wheelchair, blind cane, various dress, eyewear/footwear/headwear and whatever else that may pop up in the future. :) There are currently more than 100 shirt designs (and growing) to make, so this is steady work as an ongoing basis. Although I welcome anyone from any religious background, you must be OK working with the topics of LGBT and adult humor as many shirts will focus on these, as well as equal rights, disability humor, etc..

I reviewed the two options available on this site for download (Stickman and Blank Boi) but neither were what I am looking for in shape/style. I need something more generic looking and have attached an example of what I need designed. I will also need highly posable hands for sign language and finger spelling. Yes, I have seen the Finger Spelling download in the store as well but it obviously doesn't work with my intended character. The Blank Boi model (the only one of the two which has all 5 fingers) does seem to have very posable hands but I'm not sure it is capable of some hand signs that require some decent hand dexterity (think finger spelling of the letter E, M, P and X).

So, are there any designers here interested in taking on some work on an ongoing basis? I need to start by having the base character created along with 2-3 props and 1-2 scenes designed initially. I am on limited income so I will need to do this initial work up front and then wait for the following month to create a handful more scenes and then continuing to increase from there on each month. Any work that I pay to be created, I will retain the rights to it since this is for branding purposes. You would however, be welcomed to use the work in your portfolio.

Respond to this post or PM me with your portfolio and pricing if you're interested. In my 23 year IT career, I have had a good deal of experience working with overseas developers and designers (China, Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Romania, etc.) and prefer to save money where I can but am looking for the ideal artist more than the cheapest dollar. Your creative experience, availability and your price are all factors to be considered. Thanks for reading and I look forward to communicating further.

768 x 576 - 97K


  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    There are 3 "realistic" people figures that come free with the Daz Studio program: Genesis [morphs anyway you want it to], G2F and G2M. All have hands that can be posed normally and/or morphed to pose a little more ;-)

    If one keeps the morphing basic; that can be done either via the Daz Studio program and/or with Hexagon [sold in the store] or Blender [free].

  • chief-2764711chief-2764711 Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    Thank you for that info. So am I correct to assuming that one can grab the hands from the free realistic figures and use them in a toon style figure like Stickman? If so, should I also assume that Stickman figure can be used and modified to look more generic like I am shooting for? If this is the case, then I think the majority of what I need is out of the box needing tweaking by an experienced Daz 3D or Poser designer.

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited May 2015

    chief said:
    Thank you for that info. So am I correct to assuming that one can grab the hands from the free realistic figures and use them in a toon style figure like Stickman? If so, should I also assume that Stickman figure can be used and modified to look more generic like I am shooting for? If this is the case, then I think the majority of what I need is out of the box needing tweaking by an experienced Daz 3D or Poser designer.

    Basically, yes.

    The hands do not come off of the figures but a lot can be hidden so as not to render.
    It would be the image renders that eventually would be printed out on shirts, mugs, or whatever.

    You cannot "brand" the figures sold anywhere of course, but there is this Puppet merchant resource item which can be used as a starter for making one's own figures and the finished item you can do with as you please as far as I know.

    The image you have posted of a stickman has an .obj file. That can be used in D/S and rigged [providing the mesh is good of course].

    edit to add:
    or you might have fun with this figure;
    While we don't "own" the meshes, we are free to recolour, make changes, and sell the images rendered.

    Post edited by patience55 on
  • chief-2764711chief-2764711 Posts: 2
    edited December 1969

    Thank you again, Patience55. Yes, I am definitely looking for something original and royalty-free so that I can use the images for my brand. Considering using a base mesh sounds like a good starting point but I will leave that recommendation up to the designer who may be interested in taking on this project to evaluate. I thought for sure there would be a high level of interest in a paid work post but have yet to receive any bids. :)

  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    chief said:
    Thank you again, Patience55. Yes, I am definitely looking for something original and royalty-free so that I can use the images for my brand. Considering using a base mesh sounds like a good starting point but I will leave that recommendation up to the designer who may be interested in taking on this project to evaluate. I thought for sure there would be a high level of interest in a paid work post but have yet to receive any bids. :)

    You're welcome. Bids can be hard to come by if people don't have a very clear idea as to what you want AND also an expectation that their fees will be covered. And for items wherein you want to hold sole rights to it; the price escalates. Even shared items can be rather pricey ... searching through Turbosquid can provide something of an idea there.

    Another place to post job offers is over at

    In looking at the variety of "stickmen" ... somehow i don't think one could exactly brand that, like branding a box. But I'm not a lawyer ... and that's another expense to be considered before entering into contracts with folk. Some may have something kicking around for peanuts but then others may suggest way more. Like some jobs pay minimum wage but not for the professionals, they write their own tickets ;-)

    And 'just in case' there are any job seekers in seeing me reply in various such posts as these I am NOT professional; if you want the job go for it!

    I make free stuff and happen to have that puppet mesh. Am appalled at the prices of stick people over at Turbosquid, honestly.

  • mjc1016mjc1016 Posts: 15,001
    edited May 2015

    I make free stuff and happen to have that puppet mesh. Am appalled at the prices of stick people over at Turbosquid, honestly.

    Considering that is probably one of the basic exercises in most modeling/rigging classes/tutorials...yeah. They are a bit over the top...

    Post edited by mjc1016 on
  • jorge dorlandojorge dorlando Posts: 1,157
    edited December 1969

    I do not read your entire post, not least because I have to translate into Portuguese of Brazil first
    but if you were not wearing clothes could use the genesis this image way down ...

    1021 x 1008 - 138K
  • patience55patience55 Posts: 7,006
    edited December 1969

    HU - this is on sale atm [at the moment].

    Looks to be a mix 'n match morph set which should get that mixture you were after. {I do not have it so can't check]

  • Charlie JudgeCharlie Judge Posts: 12,911
    edited December 1969

    PoserWorld will create custom models to which you retain all rights:

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