Jurassic Park/World Style Dinosaurs please..

Daz and Poser needs really Jurassic Park style dinosaurs.
I am using poser for years and there is "NONE" good looking jurassic park style T-Rex at all.. If you check another 3D model websites you will see tons of dinos related to JP, rexes, raptors and more..
But daz/poser trex.. the dinoraul dinos are the best we got but they are just not "right" looking.. i mean that rex of him is totally different then Jurassic Park design.. i dont argue its historical right or not.. i dont care.. i just want cool ones and Jurassic Park style is perfect fit..
Please with new Jurassic World incoming, dont lose this opportunity and make some good JP style dinos.. not historical realism, not lame feathers.. just i want my girls from that movies..
And again please.. not genesis or only daz3D related.. think a bit poser users too.. aren't you tired of seeing 342342 of girls at news section? There is only 1 or 2 creatures/animals at first 5 page of the new models... and only for Daz3D...
Please a good looking rex..
thx! (sry for english)
I am a huge Jurassic Park fan, and I approve of this message.
Here is a little comparison of the existing T-rexes:
I personnally own Swidehelm's T-Rex, which is quite decent, but the textures are not matching the JP Rex... at all. There used to be a better set of textures, but the textures pack isn't being sold anymore.
I got all.. even i got the newest sixus1's rex too.. but sadly sixus ones was a huge failure too..
And i will be honest, they are stil far away from a JP rex.. you cant make any JP or horror scene with any of this like Jurassic Park 1 did. T-Rex should be different and special.. it should have a personality. The only one got different morphs is Digital1's but its so cartoonish and sadly it fails to give the "horror" feel..
Dinoraul is a dino expert as we know, but i still dont understand why he didnt do any JP related dinos. Swidehelm's T-Rex is just another dino without special T-Rex feeling..
As i said we need a special T-Rex (with I-Rex morph probably) maybe raptors with JP style.. and with some morphs rather then blink please.. AND no daz dragon morph, no genesis morph.. no easy "wanna be" low polygon one.. a good serious T-Rex, which we can make a Jurassic Park scenes with it.. something fits perfect with victoria/michael 4+ models as quality and texture..
It's done numerous times for other 3D programs like maya/studio max and more.. so we dont want any miracle from modelers here.. it would be a sure sale for all dinosaur lovers too..
No, no, no, no, no and no. I-rex does have four fingers, including an opposable thumb. There is no way to morph a T-Rex into an I-Rex without changing the arms. Even raptor arms won't work, due to the opposable thumb.
However, raptor morphs would work pretty well to make the differences between the nublarensis, sornaensis and the spoiler-warning changes added to the JW ones. We could even add a punk-feather prop to get the JP3 ones.
No, no, no, no, no and no. I-rex does have four fingers, including an opposable thumb. There is no way to morph a T-Rex into an I-Rex without changing the arms. Even raptor arms won't work, due to the opposable thumb.
However, raptor morphs would work pretty well to make the differences between the nublarensis, sornaensis and the spoiler-warning changes added to the JW ones. We could even add a punk-feather prop to get the JP3 ones.
Ok.. no morph.. i just want t-rex :)
Um, nope; I never get tired of seeing girls. ;-)
But I do agree with your wish. More dinosaurs and better dinosaur bundles please!
Um, nope; I never get tired of seeing girls. ;-)
Why not "Rapty 6 for G2F"? Would be logical, since all JP dinos are supposed to be female... All problems solved in a single bundle! ;-P
Why not "Rapty 6 for G2F"? Would be logical, since all JP dinos are supposed to be female... All problems solved in a single bundle! ;-P
Nice one :)
I started making some dinosaurs, hopefully I'll be able to post some info and images one of these days.
To clarify, I'm following paleontology books and reference, and I'm going to add feathers on those that, based on current studies, seems to have had those.
Hi AM.. You are maybe the last one who works on animals and i support and follow you on this.
I will be honest to you. As an animator, your feathers are not my cup of tee because of creasy render times. But your crocodiles are the bests out there so i am so excited to hear that working on reptilian type creatures.
I know that your are working much on the anatomy before you create your models. I respect that and it works at living creatures well.. but as i said at my first reply, dinosaur fans are divided to two groups. One side likes as the last updated versions with feathers ad colors, and the other side are who grow up with JP and against this.
I am from the second side, who is on JP dinos.. You can create feathers ofcourse and you make them as another object so you can choose to use them or not.
So i want to say these:
1. Make morph for JP version.
2. Make a good displacement map to create the scales even you dont use the feathers.
I will wait for results.. thx again!
What's wrong with this T-Rex?
I can't image he isn't bad ass once you dial in the settings.
Jurassic World looks so horrible...
I try to explain myself.. the dino at your link is very good and I used it for years. But I am asking JP style dinosaurS. compare this with a jp trex. They are totally different.
JP 3 war terrible and JW can be bad too. I am here not to discuss the movies. If you like to see dinosaurs which attacks to humans, you need to have terrify looking dinosaurS And JP style dinosaurs got this.
So JW is up and breaking the records.. still nothing from artists.. still waiting.. and please no daz dragon wanna be morphs this time..
This is how a trex should be:
Sooo... What if instead of focusing of what we don't have, we focused on what we... do have?
We have this:
And we have this, too:
And if you put them together... You get this.
I'm still on the search for a shirt wrapped around the waist to make the second half of the movie version, however.
Heh nice. but i still need a dino to eat her for movies sake :)
Seeing how there are quite a few T-rex models (based on the comparison image), that the likely hood of a new one being a big seller being very slim, and that a specific design based on movie IP could be problematic, I doubt you will see what you want anytime soon.
Your best bet would be to buy a JP/JW game and rig that model for use in DS for personal use
Will feathers be optional? I'm sure many people will want at least the option to give them the traditional reptilian appearance. I know I would!
I don't think we've had a JP-style velociraptor, either. Although, those look completely different to the actual historical ones.
Some dinosaur skeletons would also be very desirable (especially if including poses).
For goodness sake, ugly does not equal mean - look at the short for limbs of t-rexes and their heavy weight; T-Rexes are scavengers. Vultures of the dinosaur times.
There is a good deal of evidence to the contrary, actually. It's a subject of intense debate. There are certainly some vicious bite marks left by Rexes in fossils of other dinosaurs which somehow lived a few more years to tell the tale.
i recall a documentary from just a few years ago, where several scientists confidently declared that giant squid had to be scavengers which were too slow to do anything but float like jellyfish and slowly take whatever they were lucky enough to find sink down around them. One of them even stated he would love to go and swim around one, sure it would never want to do him any harm.
Of course, even if one were to dismiss eyewitness testimony which showed the opposite, not to mention how just other large squid are ravenous predators, it wasn't too log before video footage proved those same scientists wrong.
I don't understand this topic. There are tons of very good dinosaurs by Dinoraul - 'DR' here at Daz - over at Rendo.
OMG that picture almost got me in trouble at work; I laughed way to loud at it. Well Played sir!
There are some really good ones at TurboSquid, just search for this to see them. There are T-Rex, Velociraptor, and manyother dinos, no Indominus though.
They aren't cheap though, so be prepared to pay a lot for them.
You can check them at my gallery here http://www.daz3d.com/gallery/users/161606.. The problem is not getting them from other stores.. they are not rigged for poser or daz3d.. phil rigged for me those 2 T.Rex at my gallery. The problem is there is no decent animal/creature modeler for daz3d/poser. The ones we got are very bad when you compare them with genesis humans. Genesis animals are not different at quality, they just labeled "genesis".
I just wanted to show what is missing and what could be done. Even i payed a bit more, i got what i wanted. Even someone like me is out there, there is a way to get what you want. About the prices, most of the modeller at 3D model webshops like you linked could make big discounts if you talk with them, i talk about more then %50 discounts.. with rigging it takes about 250-300$ but still an option.
I hope I can leave my opinion too and not being banned or offend anybody. I consider myself and the work I do decent enough for the DAZ3D/Poser market. We're talking about producing models that fall into the 10-25 USD price range, 50-50 sale split, usually pirated and shared within 48hours from release among most common warez sites. I honestly don't have the intention nor the resources of making a 500+ USD product sold at 20-25 USD at these conditions.
I've done and will do commission work for highly detailed models (not only animals) only for customers that ask exclusive items and that can invest properly to justify months of work on a single item, because that's what it takes to make ultra-detailed, highly realistic ones. Since some mentioned Turbosquid, you can browse some T-Rex or other animals on the price range of 1000USD and up to see what I mean.
Genesis and human figures are another subject. DAZ3D cleverly invests lot of energies and time to develop high level human figures because they drive a large number of artists to build hundreds and hundreds of accessories, clothes, derived characters and whatsoever, hence the guarantee of having hundreds of side products in store. What and who's gonna do that for a giant anteater, or a gallimimus?
Now, as i said there are facts.. we don't need to overdo them.
Everything gets pirated. Games, movies, programs.. everyone got that problems but they are making them still.. but it's up to you totally, respect that. Because of my all repiles deleted, i needed to write everything again and again. 500$ product you said.. do you think that they can sell them for that price so easily? I asked to the modeler for one of the trex i bought about price and i said i can give 100$ for 250$ one and they accepted without any delay. And it was one of the best at that shop.. so making a price of 1000$ does not make it 1000$ product quality.. That models got less polygon then standart daz3d models, for example dinorauls rex got more polygon then the rexes at my galery here..
They are just good models and with nice textures.
Another thing is every custom modeler say that a custom model needs months of work.. even one said to me a minotaur would took more half year with full consantration at old days. They are modelers at youtube who creates great models in 4-5 youtube videos which takes hours.. so i don't ask here for million pollygoned models. The technology is at nice point today and even low pollygoned models look like awesome with subdivision and every good dinosaur modeler i checked at 3d websites use that. They just use bump, displacement maps very well to make the final touch!
You are totally right about genesis figures and how many they sold.. So i think there is nothing to do about it..
Personally I don't know any 3D artist (and believe me I do know many, including DinoRaul that you certainly know) that can produce a fully working model, rigged, with textures in a matter of a few hours. If it was like you said, there would be an invasion of animal (and not only that) models all around; imagine all the thousand a more artists over here breeding 2-3 models per day. Wow. Reality is much different, it does take a great deal of time and efforts to make 3D models. You say that they don't need to have million polygons: well, that's rule number one, since they have to be rigged later; but building a consistent low polygon mesh which later on allows for decent rigging and weight mapping is no game, you cannot do that in a matter of a few hours. And "Nice textures" implies that you have to go for high subdivision surfaces (or something like Substance Painter) and that too takes lot of time; try putting scales, wrinkles and all the detail you need on T-rex or a crocodile, to make an example; again, no way you do that in a few hours, depending of course on the definition of "great models".
I overdo myself then.. sorry...
Of course you are right about how much effort you need to do a total model with textures and rigs.. but i only just think we overdo both. An experienced modeller could handle the model itself way faster. So then comes the time and quality. I did not say they are finishing everything in hours. I just watched some videos about making the model itself not the textures or rig.. Phil can rig my rex in one week too and i don't think he is working full day on that. I am not a modeler so i don't want to talk about this, because i am only talking about what i saw..
Note: I send a message here, please return to me..
If you don't know a lot about what the subject actually requires, maybe you should believe the consistent commentary being provided by people with a great deal of experience in the matter?