Everyday people, keeping in real

SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
edited May 2015 in Product Suggestions

I really do hope that DAZ product creators listen... It's time to make the jump from making 'fantasy' products where every gravity defying teen girl has trampy outfits to the outfits and uniforms we really wear.

Recently, some great examples of products that have come from Daz are the stereotypical but very realistic. Loved the navy outfit. The prison Uniform.. Own it now. Needs an expansion and more morphs.. prisoners need to have numbers and stencils. I loved that it also allowed to be converted to coveralls... now I need to be able to expand on that and add patches and put logos and name tags... I had the M4 military uniform and I loved that one because you could even change the names.. I would love to see the updated version of that one for M6 with updated materials.. that would be brilliant.

What I'm still looking for is a workman's outfit for men with overalls. Working outfits and more REALISTIC but still flexible.. lets get working. How about a ranch hand or two? Oh and toolbelts. Fast food uniforms too. Can I take your order please?

Still looking for a Jesus / Greek robes character and fingers crossed, maybe a Jewish version with a Yamaka and other religious type clothings.. I'm sure there is plenty of room for all the prostitutes in the temples.

My favorite surroundings are the Dimension Theory HDR ProSets. I'd like to see some commercial districts with shops and shopping malls that actually have products inside and stores that we can name or place signage in.

With all the great updates, I love 3delight and its ability to deliver quick and easy 3d pics that make for great use in story boarding and story telling. Keep it real and looking forward to some great new stuff... also.. always looking for more ultrarealistic characters to join my runtime.

Thanks I13 for the pose sets with the many smaller controls like eye direction.. need to find a set for m6 eyes but V6s seems to cover the job.. tongue controls was cool, hands are covered ... I love all the subtle things.

1220 x 845 - 67K
Post edited by SnowPheonix on


  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272
    edited May 2015

    ... every gravity defying teen girl has trampy outfits to the outfits and uniforms we really wear. ...

    I agree with that. I have to turn the store pages quickly to get though all the trashy outfits. I find clothes like this more attractive:


    Post edited by Steve K on
  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    SnowPhoenix, you can put a name tag, number etc. on any outfit via Layered Image Editor. Just design what you are wanting in any 2d graphics program, save as a png file. You can then use LIE via diffuse channel to place it anywhere on the texture map you want it. If you bring said texture map into graphics software as a layer you can actually get it exactly where you want it without having to do the slow dragging into position in LIE. Just put it on a new layer and export that layer only as png. Easy as can be!

  • WendyLuvsCatzWendyLuvsCatz Posts: 38,638
    edited May 2015

    The shopping malls are difficult as here at least (Australia) and I presume the US where DT lives, there are signs at every entrance banning cameras.
    A street with shops you need to be careful too, HDRI images on the web are either people free or faces are blurred.
    There is a lot of legallese involved with what can be photographed among manmade structures.

    Post edited by WendyLuvsCatz on
  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    Steve K said:
    ... every gravity defying teen girl has trampy outfits to the outfits and uniforms we really wear. ...

    I agree with that. I have to turn the store pages quickly to get though all the trashy outfits. I find clothes like this more attractive:


    Love it and the price is right. I think there is room for everything. I'm not against the trashy outfits persay because lord knows I have a dozen in my runtime but I do have to give a special nod to the more recent MeriMay for Genesis 2 Female by Aave Nainen. It made me feel like a real dress maker and I love the wide and varied add on options.


    I think its just that they have the famale characters covered and I'd like to see more attention to the male character outfits. I really love a lot of the stuff going on in this community. Thanks for sharing.

    1202 x 813 - 102K
  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    The shopping malls are difficult as here at least (Australia) and I presume the US where DT lives, there are signs at every entrance banning cameras.
    A street with shops you need to be careful too, HDRI images on the web are either people free or faces are blurred.
    There is a lot of legallese involved with what can be photographed among manmade structures.

    Just thinking out loud to myself.. :)

    With the HDR, I'd love to see the categories just like a Sim City.. warehouse, commercial and residential districts and then socio-economic scales.. It doesn't have to be in Del Amo Fashion Center in Torrance but then again, it might be good to organize a little after hours photo shoot no different from when Terminator was shot in the now defunct Hawthorn Plaza...

    I suppose its all in how you market your pictures because what commercial venture wouldn't want there brand immortalized in other peoples art work? Some brands would be paying you to do it.

    I find the same with the more personalized characters.. I wonder if there are any up and coming actors and actresses that would appreciate having there body digitized and immortalized? I would have thought that people would be rushing for the recognition. I mean, what if Victoria 7 is a real girl?

  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    SnowPhoenix, you can put a name tag, number etc. on any outfit via Layered Image Editor. Just design what you are wanting in any 2d graphics program, save as a png file. You can then use LIE via diffuse channel to place it anywhere on the texture map you want it. If you bring said texture map into graphics software as a layer you can actually get it exactly where you want it without having to do the slow dragging into position in LIE. Just put it on a new layer and export that layer only as png. Easy as can be!

    I love your catalog. I'd say your one of the top creators for clothing. I have no idea how you make such great packages. Thank you.

    Names and patches should all be in the same folder. What if you made them as part of an expansion for your MeriMay collection? I LOVE that collection. What if you make it so that I can customize work outfits in the same fashion. We could use your patterns to create work uniforms for our characters on the fly.. help me keep it simple and thanks in advance for all the great things you've done.. My characters can be seen by my friends because of you. (mad respect)

    1202 x 813 - 100K
  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    SnowPhoenix, you can put a name tag, number etc. on any outfit via Layered Image Editor. Just design what you are wanting in any 2d graphics program, save as a png file. You can then use LIE via diffuse channel to place it anywhere on the texture map you want it. If you bring said texture map into graphics software as a layer you can actually get it exactly where you want it without having to do the slow dragging into position in LIE. Just put it on a new layer and export that layer only as png. Easy as can be!

    Man, you guys freaking ROCK! Thank you so much. My birthday is next week but it feels like it came early... Very grateful for the brilliant work... Did I see a tool belt anywhere? Keep up the great work.

    1280 x 1024 - 109K
  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    SnowPhoenix, you can put a name tag, number etc. on any outfit via Layered Image Editor. Just design what you are wanting in any 2d graphics program, save as a png file. You can then use LIE via diffuse channel to place it anywhere on the texture map you want it. If you bring said texture map into graphics software as a layer you can actually get it exactly where you want it without having to do the slow dragging into position in LIE. Just put it on a new layer and export that layer only as png. Easy as can be!

    As you can see, I've purchased your product and I'd love to see this foundation built upon and have all the intricacies added like pockets, toolbelts and maybe even a pen top to stick out the top pocket. Any chance of a expansion? For me the ideal would be to be able to change names and company badges on the fly as an option

    About some other ideas

    I forget that for the Navy uniform and all military by extension, it needs to have badges, medals, ribbons and ropes. I've never seen a 1st class Petty officer without at least a few ribbons on his uniform.. details gentlemen.

    1202 x 813 - 116K
  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    As my skill level increases I will try new things :), I am still developing my skills in the draped morphs so certainly lots to learn yet!

    The Layered Image Editor is I think the most viable option for name/company badges or tags. There are just too many possible names I think for me to tackle that as a vendor.

    Thank you for your enthusiasm, I love to see my work in use!

  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    I forget that for the Navy uniform and all military by extension, it needs to have badges, medals, ribbons and ropes. I've never seen a 1st class Petty officer without at least a few ribbons on his uniform.. details gentlemen.

    I knew sooner or later someone was going to say this. I don't much like the "details gentlemen" comment because it implies that I did not pay attention to details, when I did so painstakingly, but I know you and I don't think you meant it to be insulting, so I will not concern myself with that. As for the ribbons and other details, you can add them if you want or need them, but there is such a large variety of commendations that would adorn a uniform that there is no way I could have covered them. It would have really multiplied the file size of this product, not to mention that it is not allowed to duplicate the ribbons and medals of the U.S. military.

  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited May 2015

    Slosh said:

    I forget that for the Navy uniform and all military by extension, it needs to have badges, medals, ribbons and ropes. I've never seen a 1st class Petty officer without at least a few ribbons on his uniform.. details gentlemen.

    I knew sooner or later someone was going to say this. I don't much like the "details gentlemen" comment because it implies that I did not pay attention to details, when I did so painstakingly, but I know you and I don't think you meant it to be insulting, so I will not concern myself with that. As for the ribbons and other details, you can add them if you want or need them, but there is such a large variety of commendations that would adorn a uniform that there is no way I could have covered them. It would have really multiplied the file size of this product, not to mention that it is not allowed to duplicate the ribbons and medals of the U.S. military.

    I doubt that anybody is going to be taking a survey and checking that my digital character actually earned all the medals or that there are any specifics... What I was hoping to see on a add-on package would be a few random variations... say from a small line of random ribbons to one of those huge boards. I think it would require about 5 variations and then 10 random names like George Washington and Amish Rodreguize or Vin Diesel. The goal isn't to be exact but to have a few choices.... I would like one to have a Presidential Guard look.. they have a lot of ropes and things like that.

    I LOVE THIS PRODUCT. I think its one of the best to dates which is why I rushed to get it... I'm just saying that expansion packs are the way to go for those of us who want details and hopefully you guys don't mind continuing to do what you do so damn well.. Thank you for making it.

    I think I got spoiled by all the options on the Army General and was hoping us Navy guys would get a nice update :)


    I'm sorry that I can't promise a thousand people will buy it.. But I promise I will if you make it. Thanks for all the great products. You rock.

    1202 x 813 - 94K
    Post edited by SnowPheonix on
  • SloshSlosh Posts: 2,391
    edited December 1969

    thanks for the compliments. I don't want you to get your hopes up for an expansion pack. Maybe, just maybe, if I decide to do one it will be for the peacoat and maybe a seabag. This would be a good time to add the other decorations, but right now it's not on my to-do list.

  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    Slosh said:
    thanks for the compliments. I don't want you to get your hopes up for an expansion pack. Maybe, just maybe, if I decide to do one it will be for the peacoat and maybe a seabag. This would be a good time to add the other decorations, but right now it's not on my to-do list.

    If you look at this uniform.. I think you would agree that it is definitely a difficult update to accomplish which is why I come to the pros like you... Come on the U.S. Navy Honor Guard update would be a great.. Hope you get inspired by this...

    1741 x 1248 - 173K
  • zombiewhackerzombiewhacker Posts: 684
    edited December 1969

    Pray, what is this fabled Layered Image Editor thou speakest of?

  • mal3Imagerymal3Imagery Posts: 713
    edited December 1969

    Pray, what is this fabled Layered Image Editor thou speakest of?

    He means a image editor. Examples are photoshop, or gimp. They are layering image editor which can allow you to put stencils or designs on top of base texture used for the model.

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,933
    edited December 1969

    Find the diffuse texture you want to edit in the Surfaces pane, click the rectangle next to the colour bar (should pop-up a preview of the texture when you hover over it) and from the menu choose Layered Image Editor.

  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    Find the diffuse texture you want to edit in the Surfaces pane, click the rectangle next to the colour bar (should pop-up a preview of the texture when you hover over it) and from the menu choose Layered Image Editor.

    I love it when you talk dirty to me Richard... Hey... I got all the makings of a great bride and groom and I can't find the minister to perform the ceremony.. "Mazel tov" Find me a bearded Jesus HD character :)

    For me its about telling a story, so I'm trying to collect all kinds of vocations and modern everyday items to interact with.. You guys have been doing such a great job and I realize you have a core audience that likes the fantasy ... I love expansion packs... My favorite all time outfits are still the Supersuite for Genesis with all those wonderful add ons and the Super Dress and Stockings.

    As far as messing with the diffuse textures... I argue that the people that work for DAZ3d should be working to make the process of creating great images a matter of dress, pose and click. Every item of clothing down to the smallest detail and every pose down to the fingers and eyes should be accessible as part of the package. Clothing should be optimized upon loading and I shouldn't have to set the lighting to "skin" on the characters, it should load with the right settings.

    I imagine you guys being able to make it so any idiot (like me) can load your software and with little effort make amazingly real and unbelievably easy art that is professional qaulity out of the box.. its coming soon but the revolution is already here. (mad respect)

    Good talking to you ole friend. Take care.

    1220 x 845 - 105K
  • Aave NainenAave Nainen Posts: 1,108
    edited December 1969

    Pray, what is this fabled Layered Image Editor thou speakest of?

    Here's a You Tube video link, the guy is using it for tattoos but the method is the same for any texture image.


  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited May 2015

    The Honor Guard use to be my favorite outfit when I served. There are a couple of great looking uniforms.

    This same style of uniform is actually very historic and the Marines use a version too. The variation on this style of uniform could really drive add ons and we all know the ladies love a man in uniform.

    896 x 584 - 118K
    Post edited by SnowPheonix on
  • SnowPheonixSnowPheonix Posts: 896
    edited December 1969

    Wow! Thank you to the many vendors who have been working so hard to bring us great products.. special mention to Dimension Theory for all those great HDR's that you made for the Iray... I have to admit, you've made me fall in love and you brought on the silent revolution with all these great new tools. Love all the new outfits.. you guys really have answered all my prayers. Keep up the brilliant work.

    1220 x 845 - 503K
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