DAZ Connect vs. My DAZ 3DLibrary Folders

I read the DAZ Connect FAQ thread. I also tried to search for my following question but the keywords are too common. I use Install Manager and DAZ Studio, not DAZ Central (and I really don't have any desire to change that yet). I'm running a Windows 11 machine with plenty of storage (for now). I am a new user with minimal understanding of DAZ but fair knowledge of Windows file structures (not expert or professional though - I have generally eliminated the problem between keyboard and computer, though). 

Question: Do I need both DAZ Connect and My DAZ 3D Library paths and folders? 

It looks like the data is duplicated but the size of the folders on my hard drive doesn't match exactly so I'm confused. I understand DAZ Connect provides all of the updates and interaction to the store. I want to keep that. Is the My DAZ 3D Library just there for legacy purposes now? Can I delete it? 

Thanks for any and all answers.


  • LeanaLeana Posts: 11,844

    Don't install content with both Connect and DIM, your content will be installed twice. Choose one method or the other.

    Personally I would choose DIM as some scripts and utilities don't work well when installed with Connect.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    If you use DIM to install your content, do not log in to DS (ever), do not let DS to store your credentials and/or let DS connect to DAZ servers automatically.

    Logging in to DS is only necessary when one chooses to use DAZ Connect inside DS to install the content.

  • Thanks Leana and PerttiA.

    So I just need to log out in DS and delete the content in the DAZ Connect folder and half my storage will come back? 

    I feel like that simple of a statement should be included somewhere in the process - choose one of Connect, DIM or Central, not multiples. 


  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    You need to uninstall any DAZ Connect installed content within DS (in smart content) before the content installed by the other installers start working.

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