Posts: 10,065
To Quote the Illustrious Mark Bremmer
Congratulations WONGA! You sly dog. You won again. Post your subject for the next challenge back in this thread.
So congratulations WONGA STEZZA, you have been found out, winner of the prenuptial cup, raiser of pigeons faster than a speeding raffle ticket in a stiff southerly, reaper of multitudinous but imaginary golden coins, we salute you!
I'm posting this for Mark for he, like many others, is locked away from this forum by the dastardly do gooder net vermin bug.
So Wonga, heed this, mount your twusty steed and wide over to Wendo, post haste and doeth your dooty!
I have dunnuth such with much haste.. coo, coo ;-)
Wonga = Stezza ?
It would be necessary to make a repertory of all the avatars !
Congratulation WonZa, very good scene ! ;-)
Ha ha yes ! It is superbugs! Superbulas!
Today, the net-gods smiled on me and I have been reconnected to the DAZ forums. Thanks for posting the notification Headwax!
Glad you found your way back
just like a good pigeon always finds its way :-)
dudu, it's Wonga .. lol .. though I could do with a few extra zzzzzzz's
Wonga is an Australian native pigeon ( if you were wondering ) ;-)
The pigeon racing is a national sport in Belgium and there is a Cartoonist who lives close to my home and he made books with them "Li vî bleû" (the old blue) in local language, derived from old French):
I follow another, similar sport - propeller airplane racing. To make the planes fly faster, they clip the wings, lower the canopy, trim the empennage and increase the horsepower.
I suspect they do the same to the birds, correct?
Not if the bird is supposed to be live through it! ;-)
Oh we do that where we live , we call the result 'drop birds' , they match the carnivorous Koala drop bears we have here that fall out of trees on unsuspecting tourists. It's only some Koalas, the ones that have been infected by calcivirus that they picked up while chewing on Rabbit necks...
and they bugger off quicker than two dogs chasing an undead monkey as well.... when you release them :-)
This the tourists or the Drop Bears ? ;)
This the tourists or the Drop Bears ? ;)
Oh sure, you have the dangerous, carnivorous Koala bears, pigeons that crap Vegemite, and sharks that make Jaws look like a guppy, but before you get too smug, we have Donald Trump, Bill O'Reilly and the Koch Brothers! Now, who has it worse again? Plus, Mexico refuses take back Texas!