Suggestion: Bring the Filament lighting in line with Iray lighting

When toggling between Iray Preview and Filament, Filament is always way too bright. It's like an order of magnitude too bright. Every time i switch between the two I need to reduce brightness of Filament render settings.
Daz should prioritise making Filament and Iray settings more consistent with eachother to allow them to be used together in workflows.
Filament is a very useful renderer because it runs more smoothly in the viewport than almost all the other draw settings (it's faster than texture shaded) but is hampered by this issue with the brightness settings being way too high, making workflows inefficient.
Also there should be a Filament-based 'Smooth Shaded' view. The shadow quality of Filament is much better than the current Smooth Shaded view.
It can be toned down without affecting iray by adding a Filament draw options node and reducing the environment parameter.
I agree the default is too bright.
youre a lifesaver, didnt even know there was this Filament Draw Options node.
I had the same problem but once I started adding the Filament Draw Options, then things worked better. Another thing I did was look up suggested setting for Filament on YouTube and found one video that helped me get better at figuring it all out