A bunch of material presets not working anymore

OK, so wim10 was shitting the bed on me, decided it was time to install win11 fresh. Did that, installed the beta. I didn't need to touch my content, as that is kept on a seperate hard drive from my OS. Now, all of a sudden, a bunch of material presets that worked fine before are only partially loading.
Seeing a bunch of these lines in log:
2022-04-14 16:16:11.617 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Unexpected exception in CloudFIle::lookupFromDb: Unable to connect to the database
2022-04-14 16:16:11.617 [WARNING] :: ..\..\..\..\..\src\sdksource\cloud\dzcloudtasknotifier.cpp(178): Unexpected exception in CloudFIle::lookupFromDb: Unable to connect to the database
Don't use smart content or DIM or connect, manually installed everything. Only thing I ever used DIM for is to install beta and GoZ for the beta. I don't connect to my account in DS and never did. Not sure what is goin on here, but it's not all skin sets doing it. Some load like they always did, others cause a bunch of those errors and load lookin like this

Which character is that?
At least one that I know of, Janet, had an issue with the normal map gamma being set different than the rest of the maps and it caused the same problem.
Not entirely sure really. I was basically just going through random skins one by one tryin to find one I liked. I know it was a G8.0 skin for sure. After lots of frustration I ended up deleting, and making one based on g8.1 instead. It was not being able to find the G8.0 peoples' torso textures for some reason or something. It was the face arms and legs that would change to the new one I tried, but not the torso. The torso maps existed where they should be in the "runtime/texture" place. But I had to keep manually plugging them into the shader.
The name for the torso changed in 8.1 to body.
Depending on what version of DS you are using; when applying an 8.0 materials preset to an 8.1 character DS automatically corrects for this change, along with the new head surface.
Your database is kept on the OS drive by default in the appdata folder.
If that folder wasn't copied some place safe, then put back after the OS reinstall it could have issues.
Not sure if you did the in place reinstall.The one where Windows attempts to save your files, or if you did a reformat and reinstall.
I'm the reformat and reinstall type, it solves alot of problems before they start.
But you lose everything on that drive(or partition) during the formatting process.
A total fresh start.
The in place reinstalls normally don't go well.
I've tried it many times over the years and that's why I just don't bother with it anymore.
If you are using a cloud storage like OneDrive make sure it's actually downloaded your files.
I wouldn't use one for Daz content.Thats a lot of bandwidth to keep downloading and uploading all of those files.
OneDrive by default more or less takes over your Documents, and Pictures folders unless you change the settings.
If you're still reading by this point, DS uses the CMS for several things now so you will need it installed and running for DS to function properly.Even if you don't use Smart content.
Ahhhhhhhh damn, guess I will have to install that CMS crap then. Ugh.
I learned my lessons tryin to do anythin but clean installs of OS a while back lol. Never really works out well for me either, and always ended up having to clean install in the end, so might as well start with it. Same with drivers. No one drive for me, I don't really use any of those default folders like document and pictures. I have 6 hdd, keep all my stuff on those, install all the programs/games on a seperate SSD.
OK, Installed the CMS stuff, no dice. I even tried to load the character load in which does set up shaders properly, save a new material preset making sure all the maps are checked, and still loads lookin like that lol. Decided to install DS to illiminate it being a beta issue, and it doesn't seem to be related to the beta. Back to stumped. Too tired to test more tonight, will pick it up tomorrow or saturday maybe. Or maybe I just set my computer on fire and go paint on a cave wall instead, stupid technology :P
RL_Media said:
CMS is installed but is it running? You need to have a correct driver, the database that runs content running (CMS), a working database (i suspect that is where your problem is; the manual instal people always forget that both the user and the program have to know where files are and their relation to each other). Do you have any metadata?
Far as I know its runnning. A bunch of postogresql processes start up when I start ds. I mapped all my library directories, that has always been enough for everything to work every other time I have reinstalled my OS.