Big amount of scenes and saving
in The Commons
I'd like to know opinion on how would you go about having a huge amount of scenes from let's say same event. Would you pose characters and everything in timeline or save every shot like a unique scene? Both have pros and cons, though.
I usually save iteravely while working, then when I got the shot all set up for render, save that before rendering. I keep just the ones before rendering and toss the other saves out until the project is done. I save the scene with the render for archiving purposes unless the scene file is stupid big, that happens rarely though, and for an unknown reason lol.
That's what I'm scared of that timeline will just get corrupted or something and all the poses and keyframes at specific times will be lost. Also there's no native way of changing surface color, becuase it's not really a property. Rendering out doesn't take into account that I want frame 1 rendered with camera1, then frame 2 with camera 2 etc.
Since its so easy to create a camera, I usually set up multiple cameras for each scene setup and name the shots as needed example Closeup Libby, Overshoulder on John, WideTwoshot. I also do a quick save of the expressions/poses for those characters for reuse later. Saving the scenes often has very low overhead, with a descriptive name like PartyScene-scandaldialogue something script-time specific. The advantage is you can resue those setups with different characters.
Yeah, so use different, unique scenes saves for each shot, instead of craming everything in one scene and using the timeline for it. For stills that is.