how do you speed up animations in Animate2?
in The Commons
Basic animate2 Q. So as an example I am simply wanting G8M to lower his arm from the default position to above his head but done as quick as possible. how do you adjust the speed for this please?
Is this an aniblock your using or keyframing the animation? I don't know about aniblocks, but if you want to keyframe it going quickly down and then back up go on frame 1 set a key on the arm in it's starting position, on frame 3 set a key with it in it's down position (you want at least one in-between to get all the way down), and then go to frame maybe 7 and key the arm where you want it above his head which would give an in-between for each part of the body. Anything less than that and it would feel off unless you did the raise up in three frames and did one of those blur frames where the arm is in the three in-betweens on the second frame but I don't know how to do that. It's not going to be the best looking animation, you'd probably want to do some anticipation, maybe throw in a little bit of an arc to smooth things out, maybe space it a out a little bit more, and hold it in the down position for a few frames or something, but the basic motion, that's how you'd keyframe it to be as quick as possible and not look like it's magically appearing down and then up.
if you click on an aniblocks there is a rate option set to 100 you can change
sorry I forgot to say this is just doing it manually with no keyframes.