Postgresql CMS issues

I am using Win 11 and DS 4.2. I get the postgresql cms error when I load up DAZ. I uninstalled postgresql and re-downloaded and installed it several times through DIM and it is still not working I check the installed list and it shows up there with a ? where the file size is supposed to be. I don't have any Fancy AV running just Win Defender.
Does the Smart Content pane show anything?
If it still works, even though you get and error it could be a misconfiguration on the Directory Manager.
Yeah and not able to download from inside DAZ nor use Smart Content IIRC. It is an issue that needs a resolution.
If you are using DIM, you really need to avoid using Connect to install things also.
That will lead to more problems.
Stay logged out inside Studio.
So no Smart Content shows on the pane and postgreSQL CMS won't start?
Try having a look at your Content Directory Manager.
Even if you don't use Connect, the Connect Directory needs the path to be set correctly or you will get a startup error.
Make sure all the paths are correct for each entry while you're in there just to be sure.
Rmove old and unused paths from the lists also.
How do I find out if a "path" is correct?