Hi got a major problem! with the timeline Please someone help me!

lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001
edited April 2022 in Daz Studio Discussion

ok everytime i click on create a key for a bodypart it loads on me and then closes the timeline can someone please help me with this 

and why this is happening! thanks 

Post edited by lasagnaman on


  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    In the otherwords the loading icon comes on the screen and then closes my timeline! 

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    What loading icon?

  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    The white thumb 


  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    I'm sorry but I am not at all following what you are doing or what is happening.

  • surrealsurreal Posts: 176
    edited April 2022

    You are saying that in the Timeline tab, when you have a Node(e.g. Bone/BodyPart) selected and you click the create Keys button

    that the Timeline tab closes.

    I do not understand what you mean by "it loads"?


    Do you have any problem when you use the Parameters tab and change one of the property values (e.g. X Translation), of the Bone/BodyPart?

    Other than child bones(bodyparts), are there any props or other nodes parented under the Bone/BodyPart that you are trying to create the key on?

    What key creation scope do you have set in the Timeline? (right mouse click on the tab of the Timeline tab to bring up the Timeline settings)



    372 x 637 - 42K
    Post edited by surreal on
  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    Yes there is a male parented to my character

  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    Yes the timeline closes


  • surrealsurreal Posts: 176
    edited April 2022

    Try unparenting the male,

    then see if you can create the key on the bodypart.

    If you can create the key without the male then try changing the Timeline's key creation scope to "Properties" instead of default "Object".

    To change the scope see image I attached to my post above.

    My understanding is that having the male parented to the bodypart, should not cause a problem when using the create key button,

    however there maybe some unknown reason I am not aware of. 

    Post edited by surreal on
  • surrealsurreal Posts: 176


    Try changing the Timeline's key creation scope to "Node" instead of default "Object".

  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

       ok i will try tht

  • surrealsurreal Posts: 176

    In regard to making an animation where the male is spinning on a body part,

    I would first pose the male in the pose you want (e.g. lying horizontally)
    then I would create a NULL (menu "Create>New Null")

    Position the null at the point you wish the male to rotate around.
    Then parent the male to the NULL.

    Then position the null at the point on the other figure (e.g. the other figure's hand).
    Then parent the NULL to the other figure's hand.

    It is then a simple change of the rotation values of the NULL, to spin the male figure around.

    For animation I would recommend that you change the values in the properties tab, and not use the manipulator gizmos in the viewport.
    The gizmos are great for single pose snapshots, however when doing multiple poses in sequence, the gizmos can create values that are not congruent with earlier sequence values. Causing your figure to tumble/spin between keys(pose sequences).

  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    How do i do that

  • surrealsurreal Posts: 176

    It sounds like you need to learn the basics of Daz3d.

    Start by looking in the Help menu of Daz3d.

    menu Help>QuickStart Guide and menu Help>Video Tutorials

    The User Guide has all the information in more detail.

    If reading is too much work try searching youtube.

  • lasagnamanlasagnaman Posts: 1,001

    Hi found out that the loading times are so long and i think that has something to do with it when creating keyframes on the timeline! please can you tell me how to decrease loading times! Thanks 


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