soon (before June) - mcjPull - A poke-through fix-r-upper ( for PC ) ( maybe for Mac too albeit slow

mCasualmCasual Posts: 4,605
edited May 2015 in Freebies

what you see here is the usual, you have the figure poking through clothes
with this script ( which will require the presence of an mcjCollider node in the scene )
you will aim your camera at the problematic area
the script will create a camera named "shooterCam"
and set this camera as your current view camera
in your field of view you will see crossHairs
( in fact it's a null node parented to your camera and placed in ya face )
you can then adjust the camera aim to target very precisely a facet
click a button and bam, the script created a little cube and placed it at the surface of the facet,
more precisely, in the corner of the facet that was the closest to your aim
this cube is already pointing straight (up) at you
and is ready to be used to create a Displacement morph
read all about mcjAddStretchMorph here
it's that type of on-the-fly morph creation we're talking about

this script will also be usable to shoot anything at anything

for example,

shoot a dForm Field at a dress

shoot a tree at a uuhh wall

shoot an ear ring at an ear lobe

shoot a floor at a shoe sole

note: i forgot about it but mcjCollider did include a facet-based script to fix poke-through

in the example here, a facet based solution was not appropriate, the new mcjPull
script lets you move all the vertices in the little cube with one morph

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