Odd posing behaviour in 4.20

I am now using the Beta and have noticed some odd behaviours. One is that if I have a body part (only some body parts though, it seems) selected instead of the root and I click on a pose preset, the pose is only applied to that body part. For example, I had an arm selected on G8M and clicked a full body pose (one of a Rarestone set) but only the arm moved.
Now this might be advantageous if it was consistent but it isn't - I can't guarantee to reproduce it but then I haven't sapent much time trying. Just wondering whether anyone else has seen this?
Your keyboard isn't starting to develop a sticky shift key?
If so, it doesn't seem to affect my typing. It was just a mouse click on a pose preset.
It's just that holding down shift while double-clicking a preset will silently apply any preferred options set in the dialogue that appears if ctrl (cmd for Macs) is held down while double-clicking - which would be a pretty close match for what you are seeing. You could see if you get the same behaviour when you delberately hold down shift and double-click.
Just tried that ... hold down shift and double-click a pose from the same Rarestone collection (All Sweet set). Nothing unusual happened - no dialogue box, no options. It Just applied the pose.
However, as you suggested, if I just have an arm selected, only the arm is posed (if I hold down shift). This time, however, not holding shift results in a whole body pose. So that does suggest that it is sometimes working as though shift is being held. I will take more notice to make sure I am not inadvertently touching shift.
This is very interesting. I never knew that the Shift-click funtion existed so I will play with that a little more.