Importing clothes I made for custom figure - is this right?

I have been using Marvelous Designer and the G3F BASE FIGURE to make clothing.
I dont have problems when i Make clothing using the G3F base figure. When then using transfer utilitly everything works out right.
But clothing made with my larger custom figure doesnt seem to work out the same.
I use my custom character in Marvelous designer and create clothing for the custom character. It fits perfect on the body.
The clothing is exported as obj to DAZ with my custom character already in the scene. The clothing is still a perfect fit, but is still just the obj.
Next I use transfer utility on the clothing but no matter what options i choose, the end result is always not good.
The problem is when the clothing is fitted to the custom character, the clothing changes shape, gets bigger and no longer fits the character.
If I unfit the clothing it returns to its normal size / shape and looks good, but its not fitted.
If I show hidden properties with my clothing fitted i can see my custom character morph is being applied to the clothing at 100% If i dial this back to 0% then the clothing fits my custom character. I can now pose the figure and the clothing will follow. Everything works as it should.
This is the only way i can get my clothing to work on my custom figure. Its annoying but at least it works.
Am i doing this right?
You presumably haven;'t tried the option of setting the Source Shape to the morph you are using, or Curent if it is build from multiple morphs without a master slider, then checking Reverse Source Shape from Target.
In my experience it's best to make clothing for the base shape. Then dial in your morph, and clean up the auto-generated shape by replacing the auto-generated morph by importing a morph with the same name.
Post your transfer utility settings.
Try apply at 100% your morph and changing in Transfer Utility settings, below your Scene Item: Genesis 3 Female, Item Shape: Current (not Default)