How many child characters are in DAZ?

Sorry for my bad english, use google translate.
How many child characters exist in DAZ?
This is currently all child characters I know of. (Genesis 3 - Genesis 8.1)
Among them, kayden-81 and teen-kola-81 and Macey and Chani are the best characters I have ever seen.
Are there any other additions?
Quite a few, though I'm not sure what your definition of child is, as you skipped all the infants and included some characters that are well into their teens. There are four female teen base figures in the G8 base figures alone that are roughly the same age as Koala, and you missed SF-Desgns stuff here like Jeremy, as well as 3Du's, those those generally have to be dialed back a bit as they lean to the toon side. If you go over to Renderosity, there's an even better selection, as there are a couple of artists there that specialize in doing younger characters and quite a few of the other major artists dip their toes in the pool fairly often. And that's before you go back to Genesis 2, Genesis and previous generations of figures and really open the floodgates.
Now, what there ISN'T is a tremendous selection of clothing aimed at younger folks, especially for G8. Well, unless you count Japanese school girl uniforms... Again, Rendo is generally a better option in my experience for real world clothes, as usually we only get those at DAZ when there's a base figure in their age range released.
I pulled up my chart of characters I have purchased at the Daz Store and coded as a child or young teen and listed them below. I excluded those that are absolutely toons or anime/manga. Some of the products offer an adult/teen/child/small child option. I didn't include morph packages either, although they are available. I highly recomment any Growing Up products by Zev0 and Dogz – many older or toonish characters age down into lovely children. An excellent resource for teen morphs is Male-M3dia. Another PA to look at is 3DUniverse, although they are slightly more stylized, but their characters will often come with clothing, accessories, and hair appropriate for a child or young teen.
3dUniverse's characters are lovely, and you can reduce the "toon side" just by reducing the size of the eyes. For some of those characters you should also reduce the size of the hands and feet wich can be oversized (IE Indiana). Bundles are interesting as they include good quality hair and lots of children clothes.
Unfortunately the best Angel-Wings characters disappeared from other marketplace and from the Daz store except Octavia. I'm sure lots if us miss Angel-Wings characters and textures. Im lucky to own almost all this good stuff wich I bought several years ago.
ZevO's characters are really nice too ( I love Liloo), and ZevO's Growing Up morphs are just awesome if you want to render young characters.
Luna 3D and 3D Loki (Lil series) and Anagord have good stuff too (other marketplace).
Please don't go to the files sharing sites that offer you all our work for free, we artists need you for our living.
Yeah, growing up is great. You put it to the age range you are going for, then you can mix in any face, bodymorphs you need to make a ton of kids, each one unique. Skin is a bit harder, seems the direction with skin these days is adding a ton of blemish, wrinkles etc because people see that as "more realistic".
Yes, I have the Angel Wings characters for G3 & G8 that were released on the other site and absolutely appreciate them.
While I didn't include any listings of them, there are any number of general morph packs that will help you adjust the basic G3/G8 figures that come with Starter Essentials into someone unique for your needs. Good skin materials for the boys are the biggest issue, as boys can be no beard yet, just a bit of peach fuzz, acne, more facial hair, or scars from sports or accidents just growing up. A few characters have some of those options and it is just a case of checking every character out as they are released. I have bought characters just for their skin materials. And always look for that artist's work after that.
Saiyaness is excellent, here are two that either teen or read as teen to me:
....that's been an issue which goes all the way back to the MilKids. and K4. Support was poor to at best mediocre (back then that's all you had as there was no autofit and 3rd party conversion tools really didn't work all that well for female characters).
Clothing and hair for 3DU's characters is offered as a separate product, but yes a major part or of adult Genesis clothing can be rather inappropriate for children and young teens. Another issue is fitting adult clothing content to a smaller, more petite physique (particularly females) as with very small bust sizes and flat chests, certain textures distort horribly and sometimes the fit isn't quite right requiring a bit (sometimes a lot) of manual input.
Technically any adult Genesis character can be turned into a child or young teen using Zev0's Growing Up Morphs (available for G1 through G8).
i am creating a children fairy tale comic need male child character toon or realistic. MALE MALE
anime or TOON CHILD characater for parody animations too.
Joe Quick and 3D Universe are your go-to sources for toon characters. How young would the realistic child need to be? As far as I can tell, even the PAs that produce a lot of child characters focus on girls. The only ones that come to mind are Conner and Tween Ryan.
A search on "teen" with the filter set to Masculine:
There are tonnes of Asian-looking child characters here, but only girls. Which has a slightly strange feel to me. Also, they almost all look very similar.