Runtime File Location Issues

Re-Installed Cararra on my new Windows 11 computer. Working fine except that it  asks everytime for location of the Runtime folder when I load content.

Its really annoying and I cant figure out how to resolve. Can any one help.




  • Steve KSteve K Posts: 3,272

    Not sure if this will help but ... the first thing I do when installing Carrara on a new machine is add my Poser 7 Runtime to the Browser (see attached screenshot).  Of Course, Poser 7 is already installed, including some DAZ figures I use a lot.  I don't recall getting the message you're getting, but maybe this is why.

    Carrara Poser Runtime.jpg
    935 x 338 - 77K
  • StezzaStezza Posts: 8,254

    as Steve K says

    also have got your new machine structure setup the same way as your old one?

    ie.. hard drives, Runtime locations ect...

    with Carrara loading files from another system, locations may be different and Carrara is looking where they used to be not where they are now..

    but yeah, make sure you set up all your runtime folders to the Carrara tab browser as Steve mentioned first.

  • HeadwaxHeadwax Posts: 10,107

    you know that random window that comes up occasionally that asks you to add runrimes? I have no idea how to access it when I want it

    it lets you tell carrara what directories it should be searching when you load up an asset


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