Solved, thanks - Can’t find "Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume" shader in pre-sets
Posts: 121
I installed the latest Studio, 4.20
I checked in install manager that the resources were downloaded and installed
I searched my HD and I see files with that name, Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume, and find the folder with the 3 files:
"C:\Daz 3D\Applications\Data\DAZ 3D\My DAZ 3D Library\Shader Presets\Iray\Daz Volume"
But the Daz volume shader does not show up in my shader pre-sets (I see Uber)
Any ideas?
Post edited by mark_z2487 on
Did you look in the path (Shader Presets\Iray\Daz Volume) in the Content Library tab in Daz Studio? I see it there. It is the only file in that path. Or are you looking in Categories or in Smart Content? It categorized as Default>Shaders>Iray>Effect.
When I look at content .... iray ... effect, is see several shaders, IS AMber, .... Worn 02 (I supose from things I have bought) but no volume
If I search content for 'volume', I get lots of hits, trees, etc. and "Voume...Shader" form the mesh to volume product that I bought, no Daz Volume
I don't really understand how you are attempting to locate the shader preset. Daz Volume is the name of a folder, not the name of the shader preset. The shader preset is named Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume. A Content Library search will not turn up Daz Volume, because that is just a folder name. Content Library search has two options: File and Database.
Search by File, if you are searching for a specific part of a filename. If you search the Content Library by File for the word Volume, the Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume shader preset should appear. Better yet, search by File for OpenVDB.
But really, why are you bothering with search at all? Just navigate through the Content Library by expanding each section one at a time. DAZ Studio Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > Shader Presets > Iray > Daz Volume. Then you should see Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume.
"Just navigate through the Content Library by expanding each section one at a time. DAZ Studio Formats > My DAZ 3D Library > Shader Presets > Iray > Daz Volume"
That is exactly the problem, I have expanded the list and it is not there, not there when I select an object and navigate down through presets / iray
That is my original question, it is on my harddrvie, but is not showing but in any list
I am considering running the 'rebuld asset list' but I have had so many troubles with that
In the Content Library pane, right click on the Daz Volume folder name and select Refresh. Does the Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume asset show up then?
I've never heard of a command called "rebuild asset list".
That is the problem, there is no Daz Volume folder
"I've never heard of a command called "rebuild asset list".", I was paraphrasing,
There are several related, I was referring to Re-Import Metadata
I need to reset the question, the shader is on my hard drive, it is in the (a) Daz Volume folder
But it does not show up anywhere in Daz Studio
I do see ones others that are listed in the Uber and NVIDIA folders
For some reason (I must of done it somehow) there are 2 My DAZ 3D Library folders on my HD
I think Studio ‘sees’ everything other than the Daz Volume folder
OK I got it
Thanks for the tip on the refresh,
the problem was I had that folder set as hidden, not sure why
Now fixed
Whew! Glad it is fixed.
I'm in the same situation but hte Simple OpenVDB MDL Volume is no where to be seen. I searched my hard drives and Daz hierarchy. No Daz Volume folder either. Just installed 4.2 the other day.
It is not 4.2 it is 4.20.
The new shader is in Default Resources for DAZ Studio 4.20+. Did you install that?