Slow loading content

Hi.  I have a graphics computer with an Intel i9-9900 CPU, 32 gig memory, an nVidia GTX 3090 graphics card, and all my content on an M.2 2 tb SSD.  So why does it take forever to load any content?  To load a new scene/figure from a newly opened DAZ Studio takes 1:14 minutes while it is clearing the blank window..  To add a standard G8F figure takes 1:10 minutes reading assets until I get the message "Duplicate formulas Found".  The figure loads in a couple of seconds after I click OK on the message.  That is the same message I get every time I load any G8F figure.  Loading a scene without a figure in it still takes 1:05 minutes, most of the time the load window is saying "deleting objects".  I don't know why it takes so long to load thing.  The computer is very fast and it just should take seconds.  Anyone have some ideas?



  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Duplicate Formulas will certainly slow loading, you need to figure out what is causing the issue (usually it's a cofnlcit between two characters using the same name) and fix it (if only by uninstalling oen of the parties). Help>Troubleshooting>View Log File and search for "duplicate" to find one of the problem files for each clash.

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    Just over a minute is actually pretty fast.

    You need to figure out, which characters that you have installed, are responsible for the "Dublicate Formulas". The Log is the best place to start looking (Help -> Troubleshooting -> View Log File)

    If you want us to have a look, attach the log as a text file to your post, using the "Attach a file" above "Post Comment" button.

  • The problem is that I get the duplicate formula with ALL my female figures, even a fresh load of Genesis 8 female.


    "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - B Gates

       and I started with 16K back 40 years ago :-)

  • PerttiAPerttiA Posts: 10,024

    rrmail62-shop_f8aab4387b said:

    The problem is that I get the duplicate formula with ALL my female figures, even a fresh load of Genesis 8 female.


    "640K ought to be enough for anybody" - B Gates

       and I started with 16K back 40 years ago :-)

    Yes, because you don't have different figures, all your G8F figures load G8 Basic Female and apply the appropriate morphs and textures for the chosen figure.
    DS reads all the morphs/characters for G8F whenever you load a G8F based figure to create the morphdials and the interdepencies between them, the deltas (info about vertex movements) is read when you move a dial.

    When tracking down conflicts between morphs/characters, it is best to load the "Genesis 8 Female Dev Load" version, and check the log for warnings.

  • Okay, I checked the Log files and it shows Duplicate Formulas for:

    x,y,zEnd and x,y,zOrigin with DF-Face Transfer. 

    I use face transfer for a lot of my figures and it sounds like Face Transfer has an inherent problem with duplicate formulas for those morphs.  I get the idea that most of my female figures are based on G8F, but that is the whole idea behind genesis figures.  So is this something I'm doing wrong or is this a problem with Face Transfer?


  • BTW, I normally save my new characters in a scene file.  That makes it easy to add to scenes.  Should I be doing it differently?

  • Richard HaseltineRichard Haseltine Posts: 102,865

    Are you giving each Face Transfer a unique label (which by derfault will be used as a name - enable Show Options for more control)?

  • Most of my face transfers are saved with a unique name.  I can't say all of them are for sure.  I also update them from time to time.


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