Dynamic lingerie v6 problem in 4.8 - help!

nickalamannickalaman Posts: 196
edited December 1969 in The Commons

If anyone had the dynamic v6 lingerie can you see if it work in studio 4.8. I seam tho be having problems. The items will not conform to v6, so when I change pose, the lingerie stays last the same place.



  • jerhamjerham Posts: 155
    edited December 1969

    Dit a quick check. Most items load correct under 4.8 (the undraped clothes follow the pose correct)

    Except when adding the teddy4_string. That one does not conform correct when loading, but loads in the default T-pose. However when manually using "fit-to" (from the parameters tab), it adjusts to the G2F pose correct.

  • nickalamannickalaman Posts: 196
    edited December 1969

    Thanks for taking the time to try it out.

    None of the items worked for me. So i figured it must have been my install, had to uninstall studio and clothing control and then re-install.

    All good now..


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