Eye moisture turns black in iRay preview when using Front Camera for face.

I notice this happens for Genesis 8 Male and Genesis 8.1 Male : when I select the head and choose Face Camera, and preview using iRay, the eye moisture surface part turns black.
The "black eye" problem is a well lnown bug in iray. See for instance this thread https://www.daz3d.com/forums/discussion/506431/the-black-eyes-bug-explained
It is seems to be caused by some rounding errors and generally because the subject is at a long distance from the origin of the scene.
There are two ways to fix it:
1/ Set iray optimization to "memory" in the render tab.
2/ move the char closer to the origin of the scene. For instance, note the distance from the origin of the char, put all your scene in a group, and translate this group to the opposite of the char distance from the origin.
@alainmerigot - thank you for the information. Unfortunately, the figure is in default positiong 0,0,0. and the Face Camera is default as well. I shall take itas a knwon bug and work around it.
Try this
https://sharecg.com/v/94366/view/21/DAZ-Studio/Dark-Eye-Fix-From-World-Center - G8F
Cool, thanks !