Frog! Thank you Joe!
in The Commons
Oh! I just noticed that the new frog has options for body, butt, leg, feet, normal shapes, to make it easier for clothing and all that.... WOW. That's a HUGE thank you! And makes it way easier to use. Thanks for going the extra mile for those. That put it from "eh, I have a froggy thing already" to "okay, that's REALLY useful, I need that.... yoink!"
Thanks so much for the extra functionality! I often try to split up morphs to make them work with clothing and last froggy made that a bit difficult for me. Keep up the great work- so many awesome critters. :)
I know, right? 100% At least can use my transgender morphs to make the frog more feminine but the wardrobe is still for female... it's a lot of work
It's funny, I've barely rendered Bullwarg and his various add-ons, but there's no way I wasn't buying this immediately.
I own a lot of subway stations I always intend to render ninja turtles in. never do.
You've already made Splinter, Leatherhead and now Napoleon Bonafrog, so I don't know what's holding you back.
It would be funny to see a scene of Storybook Turtles dressed up as Ninja Turtles. Also, please tell me you've got an Usagi Yojinbo in the works.
I like Bulwarg, but not enough to have bought him yet. He's on my wishlist though and is a definate buy this year. On the other hand, Frog for G8.1F I had to buy right away as it's more what I had in mind for another project. Thanks, Joe.
Can anyone please tell me how to open mouth of Dtorybook Frog?
Many thanks
Have you tried the standard Genesis 8.1 Jaw Open property?
I removed your thread asking the same question.
At least I used Bullwarg once. But yeah, bought the new frog too.