Standard versus HD version questio

Since DAZ Inc in their infinite wisdom deny non PA/content providers the ability of importing hi definition content, I have been snapping up all of the HD add-ons for the Genesis 1-8 characters when they go on really good sales. I was happy until I recently tried using them.
I was shocked with what I found. Almost every character’s standard version already had the creases at the knuckles, knees, face, lips, etc. (image 1) even though the promo picts showed them as being very smooth. I even turned off the texture maps to see if it was just them adding the crease lines, but the creases were still there when the textures were gone. I finally compared the Dante 7 and 7 HD versions. The HD promos on the DAZ site showed the HD version had very pronounced stomach muscles (?Abs?) whereas the standard was smooth. Well in reality, it turned out to be the opposite. (see the 2nd screenshot - The HD version is on the right). When I compared the standard and HD version of quite a few of my characters, I noticed it was the same. I began wondering why should I waste money buying HD versions? What benefit is there? I have since sopped buying the HD versins.
What am I missing?
(I hope thise picts expand to full size)

Edited later - Click on the attachements to see them at full size.
Usually HD figures add more details, then the quality of course depends on the PA. If you're not satisfied with a specific product you may return it and ask for a refund, that should be possible.
Ok, that is odd. Load in the HD version, then go to parameter tab >currently used and check if HD morph is even dialed up. I don't bother getting base HD morphs as they are useless to me and too expensive, and make the figure load times longer. I can't check what happens for me.
How did you remove the textures? If you just removed the base colour (Diffuse if it was the older 3Delight materials) then the normals will still be there, from a distance they will look pretty much the same as the HD morph - it's msotly going to eb when you are close enough to see the effect in profile (see that there is a dip for the wrinkles, for example) that they will show their differences.